Author Topic: Don't let them....  (Read 2186 times)

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Offline ElvisLives

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Don't let them....
« on: October 14, 2022, 08:25:23 AM »
Please. For gosh sakes. DON'T LET SNAPPERS MOVE THE BALL FORWARD WHILE THEY ARE 'ADJUSTING' THE BALL. They may rotate and/or revolve the ball around either axis (as long as the long axis is parallel to the sidelines when the snap begins), and they may elevate either end of the ball while adjusting, and one end of the ball may be elevated when the snap begins. But, they may NOT lift the ball off the ground, or move the ball forward from its 'spotted' position between the goal lines.
While anybody that sees these things can get them addressed, the ones in the most likely position to see them are the wings. If you notice these things - and they don't cause a defensive reaction (DOF with contact, reactionary movement by B that causes a FST, etc.) - IMMEDIATELY after the down is over (stop the clock(s) and interrupt the game, if necessary) and get the snapper instructed to leave the ball on the ground and/or do not move it forward. Do that, yourself, or get the U to do it. Just get it done. And make sure the snapper knows this is his ONE AND ONLY warning. After that, such actions will result in an immediate illegal snap call. And then make those calls, if you need to.
If those actions cause a defensive reaction described above, you have no choice but to make it an illegal snap, and get the snapper instructed and warned while the penalty is being administered. If, the first time it happens, and it 'appears' to put a B player in the NZ at the snap, DO NOT CALL DOF (unless he would have been well offside even if the ball had been in the correct spot).

Let's don't let this start a pandemic.

Offline AlUpstateNY

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Re: Don't let them....
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2022, 12:33:23 PM »

Let's don't let this start a pandemic.

One way to reduce the Snapper's need to "adjust" the ball, is to set it the way he likes to find it.  Before the very first snap of the game the Umpire simply asks the Snapper how he likes to find the ball (laces up, to the left, to the right, etc.) and remember what he said when you subsequently place the ball.  It may not eliminate "Moving the ball" entirely,  but it will definitely reduce the number of times he moves it.  The Snapper will appreciate your consideration towards his preference, which may help the Umpire's job in general.

If there's a new Snapper, repeat the offer, and do so for both teams.  You'll be surprised how fast it becomes an almost unconscious habit.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Don't let them....
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2022, 01:16:40 PM »
One way to reduce the Snapper's need to "adjust" the ball, is to set it the way he likes to find it.  Before the very first snap of the game the Umpire simply asks the Snapper how he likes to find the ball (laces up, to the left, to the right, etc.) and remember what he said when you subsequently place the ball.  It may not eliminate "Moving the ball" entirely,  but it will definitely reduce the number of times he moves it.  The Snapper will appreciate your consideration towards his preference, which may help the Umpire's job in general.

If there's a new Snapper, repeat the offer, and do so for both teams.  You'll be surprised how fast it becomes an almost unconscious habit.

Somehow, I had the opposite experience, consistently, in my first couple of years officiating (50 and 51 years ago). Not working fixed crews back then, we all got lots of opportunities at all positions. In those games where I was the U, I, too (from 'coaching' by veteran officials), would ask the snappers for their configuration preferences, and I would place the ball so.  Far, far, far more often than not, when the snapper addressed the ball, he would spin it and rotate it, often several times, before settling on his final adjustment.
So, it really didn't matter how I placed the ball. I gave up that fruitless practice.
By rule, they are allowed to rotate the ball/revolve the ball/elevate one end of the ball. I'd rather teach them what is allowed, and what is not allowed, along with the consequences of doing what is not allowed, and let them make their own adjustments, to their own satisfaction. Just don't pick it up, and don't move it forward. Easy enough.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2022, 02:55:58 PM by ElvisLives »

Online Etref

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Re: Don't let them....
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2022, 02:23:03 PM »
Remember many years ago, first game of season. First snap, center picked up the ball and turned around to talk to the QB. Said the did it all the time in practice and didn’t know it was wrong.   hEaDbAnG
" I don't make the rules coach!"

Offline jra104

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Re: Don't let them....
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2022, 12:16:50 AM »

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Don't let them....
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2022, 09:12:06 AM »

See the NCAA thread for response, since you placed this comment in both places.