Author Topic: "Accountability"  (Read 25009 times)

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Offline TXMike

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2010, 06:25:39 PM »
How's about this???

Ea Chapter can nominate 1 crew for state Championship games.  TASO FB creates a paid evaluator position who is paid to:
1 - Review 3 game DVD's for each crew
2 - Observe each crew at least 1 time in person
3 - Administer a closed book test for each crew
4 - Review any adverse material submitted for any of these crews from any of their games

The evaluator prepares a composite score for each crew which results in them being ranked from 1 to whatever.  These crews are then assigned to the State Champ games based on their rank order (with the consent of the UIL).

Offline DallasLJ

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2010, 07:44:50 PM »
Ranking is still a different kettle of fish from discipline.  If the top-ranked crew blows an enforcement (grants a first down for an unsportsmanlike penalty) in the title game, that leads to a game winning score, does the UIL get to discipline that crew?  Suspend them for 5 games next year?  No playoffs for 2 years?  What if crew changes next year and only 3 are back on crew.  Isn't rule enforcement the responsibility of entire crew.

  Again, the UIL (or TASO for that matter) have no business in discipline officials for calls on the field.

Offline fencewire

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2010, 08:00:35 PM »
I agree with that statement.

In the sermon to the Houston BB chapter, the accountability aspect was touched on and it was as described earlier, solely dealing with officials that toss coaches based due to arguing a call that was made where a rule was incorrectly applied.

Although it is creeping into football as time passes and it is more prevalent in society as a whole, primarily this only applicable for basketball and baseball where the coach ejection is much more commonplace than we have in football. 

I believe out of all the games last year and all the coaches that were ejected, if my source is correct, in basketball, 2 officials were summoned to Austin.


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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2010, 09:22:21 PM »
I absolutely think TASO or UIL should be involved in our evaluations - coaches don't send in eval cards and lower classifications don't have the option to draft crews in my area - so they MAY get some leftovers who shouldn't be on the field.  Even when coaches do send in cards the chapter doesn't do anything with them.  Who then holds the bad crews ACCO*&!table. - the "A" word.  Most chapters don't do it - if yours does, I'm envious.  Yes, playoffs are a little different - in my chapter the Varsity Assigner assigns his crew all playoffs - and we don't have a discipline committee or oversight.  Yes - a chapter problem, but a problem.  A TASO or UIL evaluation system would be a welcomed change.  

In our Chapter the President, VP and Secretary can only work playoff games if their crew is specifically asked for by the Coaches. Starting with week one through the Finals. It is the "price" that fellow crewmates pay for having someone in that elected position on their crew.

Offline TexDoc

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2010, 09:52:50 PM »
In our Chapter the President, VP and Secretary can only work playoff games if their crew is specifically asked for by the Coaches. Starting with week one through the Finals. It is the "price" that fellow crewmates pay for having someone in that elected position on their crew.

Now that is an excellent policy.

Offline JasonTX

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2010, 10:54:51 PM »
I don't mind agreeing to disagree.  We've discussed on this site the game where some feel officials missed two calls at the end of the game where the winning touchdown(s) was denied.  IF the calls were missed, as it appears from replay that they were - the officials caused the outcome.  If a school pays a fee - a large one - to have a tape reviewed by a committee, and the committee feels that particular crew has a history of making bad calls, then I'm all for having that crew sit out a game or two.

Sincerely,   Hoss Cooter   

I'm still trying to figure out how 2 calls can determine the outcome.  If that is what determines a winner or loser, then we need to quite waisting time with letting teams run 50-60 plays and just line up and run 2 plays so that will be what determines the game.  NO GAME is determined by just 2 plays or 2 calls.  Teams have every oppurtunity during plays in which there are no officiating mistakes to assist in them winning the game.  My head coach always told us to take care of our own things that we do control (catch all passes, making our blocks etc) because at some point he knew there would be some calls that wouldn't be correct but if we do our stuff those calls would have no bearing.  If we lost it was because we failed to do our own assignments, not the calls the officials made

Offline JasonTX

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2010, 10:57:37 PM »
How's about this???

Ea Chapter can nominate 1 crew for state Championship games.  TASO FB creates a paid evaluator position who is paid to:
1 - Review 3 game DVD's for each crew
2 - Observe each crew at least 1 time in person
3 - Administer a closed book test for each crew
4 - Review any adverse material submitted for any of these crews from any of their games

The evaluator prepares a composite score for each crew which results in them being ranked from 1 to whatever.  These crews are then assigned to the State Champ games based on their rank order (with the consent of the UIL).

Not sure how that would work in areas where officials are not on set crews from week to week.

Offline fencewire

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2010, 08:35:52 AM »
just imagine the infrastructure required to objectively evaluate every play in every game throughout Texas every week.     ^no

Now go ahead and set that up for baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, volleyball and whatever other sport as well.


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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2010, 09:17:24 AM »
How's about this???

Ea Chapter can nominate 1 crew for state Championship games.  TASO FB creates a paid evaluator position who is paid to:
1 - Review 3 game DVD's for each crew
2 - Observe each crew at least 1 time in person
3 - Administer a closed book test for each crew
4 - Review any adverse material submitted for any of these crews from any of their games

The evaluator prepares a composite score for each crew which results in them being ranked from 1 to whatever.  These crews are then assigned to the State Champ games based on their rank order (with the consent of the UIL).

There are around 85 crews in Houston.  Are there 85 crews in South Plains, Tyler, brownsville, and North Texas combined?  If you changed that to each region nominates a crew that might be an easier pill to pass.  Have no idea how it will be paid for.

Offline TxGrayhat

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2010, 06:39:55 PM »
How's about this???

Ea Chapter can nominate 1 crew for state Championship games.  TASO FB creates a paid evaluator position who is paid to:1 - Review 3 game DVD's for each crew
2 - Observe each crew at least 1 time in person
3 - Administer a closed book test for each crew
4 - Review any adverse material submitted for any of these crews from any of their games

The evaluator prepares a composite score for each crew which results in them being ranked from 1 to whatever.  These crews are then assigned to the State Champ games based on their rank order (with the consent of the UIL).

While I agree with Mike on most thing I hate this idea. The fact that one only 3 or 4,5 crews will be eligable for this honor is absurd. It will be the same 3 or 4 every year year in year out. While its a popularity contest now it would be the good ol boy network then. No chance for the big game then you have officials on the field for playoffs with crappy attitudes
If you don't see the Football Don't Blow the Whistle!!!

Offline TXMike

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Re: "Accountability"
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2010, 09:44:54 PM »
How many chapters are there in the state? That many crews would have a chance.  And the system could include caveats like 5 years have to pass between your state championship appearances. 

And to the more important comment, i.e. that guys would work playoffs with crappy attitudes as they know they have no chance for the "BIG" game....  Do you really hold us in such low esteem?   I know plenty of guys working playoffs who realize they are not going to "the show" and they ALL bust their butts. 

Work with me here...I am trying to devise a system where there is at least some degree of objective vetting done for the biggest assignments.  Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.