National Federation Discussion / Re: The groundhog saw his shadow yesterday...the new rules are here today....
« Last post by Snapper on Today at 05:38:34 PM »Again, maybe rare, but they happen. Just last season, I had a fumble recovered not only beyond the spot of the fumble, but by a player other than the fumbler, and during a Try. My wing didn’t really recognize what was happening, and allowed the BC to advance the ball into the end zone, and signaled TD. I had to immediately, and emphatically, rule NO SCORE. No field mic, or even radios. I got my wings to come in, reviewed the play and the ruling, and the light bulb went off in their heads, and were, then, to explain the ruling to their coaches.
They happen, and we must be prepared to make the proper ruling for our rule set.
Agreed, rare. And real good job getting it.
But let's be careful not to confuse anyone. The 4th down fumble rule (and the fumble during a Try rule) are NCAA, and as I understand it, the NFHS did not enact that.
They simply passed the fumble forward oob rule. And that's real easy to officiate. Just get a bag down as best you can. And then remember to wind the clock back up afterwards. If you have a field mic, be sure to announce what's going on with the fumble. People will get it because they're used to seeing it on Saturday.