In comparing the original posting of Quiz 1 to the "Re-Posting," the 'ruling' on question 8 was corrected. I think somebody had a 'brain fart' and (incorrectly) used the down/distance/location from 1st down as the "previous spot" for the penalty enforcement. The foul actually occurred on 2nd down, after Team A had advanced the ball 3 yards on 1st down. So, the correct down/distance/location related to this play in which the foul occurred was 2/7, A-43. The UNS for simulating a substitution (hideout play) is enforced at the previous spot, 15 yards, and repeat the down, yielding, 2/22, A-28. Because of the penalty completion, the play clock is 25-seconds, and starts on the referee's signal. Since there was an apparent TD, the game clock starts on the snap.
They state that this is a "team UNS," (as opposed to a UNS charged to a player or a coach). How do we know that? Nothing in the rule language states such. The penalty statement doesn't make that distinction. None of the ARs make that interpretation. The Summary of Penalties doesn't categorize UNS fouls as 'team', 'player', or 'coach'. Honestly, this one is coached, and ought to be charged to the HC. But, they need to make that distinction in the rules, not in a bulletin.