Author Topic: Can't help but wonder...  (Read 12773 times)

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Offline JasonTX

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2020, 04:05:09 PM »
You are trying to pivot. My post was not about Trump but rather about Fox being “fake” and slanted to whatever Trump says.

As far as your post, this is one heck of a mistake for the leader of our country. If he took it seriously from the beginning, maybe the entire country would not be shut down, and the markets crashing.  This is not just a little “mistake,” it is a disaster.  Trump said the Corona virus was hoax (come on get real that is much more than a mistake and definitely shows a lack of leadership on the most dangerous issue facing our country and economy probably since the Great Depression). He never takes responsibility for anything it is always someone else’s fault.  Whatever happened to the “buck stops here”. He has 0 leadership abilities.

He took it serious.  He was told he was overreacting when he issued the travel ban.  During the impeachment he was accused of trying to distract the public away from the impeachment.  When China had one person infected, nobody knew that it was anything more than a common flu.  The bottom line is, Trump can't do anything right in your eyes.  It doesn't matter what his response was or will be, he will always be criticized.   In football officiating we have a rule book to get us out of most any challenge we face on the field.   Trump is not afforded a step by step book for this.  Now go troll somewhere else.  I'm done with you.

Offline Punter

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2020, 04:25:53 PM »
It is funny how some people cannot look at the President with any hint of criticism. They ask for sources, and when they are provided, they resort to using the logical fallacy of ad hominem attacks.

As an aside, it was never part of my original discussion, I agree with the travel restrictions that were placed on China.  That really has nothing to do with my original points though.

The original statement regarding Fox News strands. They are in no way real news.  They are ‘Fake news” and slanted to whatever the administration says.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 04:48:08 PM by Punter »

Offline Etref

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2020, 08:30:06 AM »
Let’s keep politics out of this or this one will be shut down
" I don't make the rules coach!"

Offline Ralph Damren

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2020, 12:40:32 PM »
Many Type A personalities have strong opinions.....

Many sports officials are Type A personalities.......

Many strong opinions deal with politics......

I strongly enjoy this website as ,to me, it puts the worries of the world behind and discusses our mutual love of football.

Carol did the right thing by moving this into the non-football arena .
« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 01:54:38 PM by Ralph Damren »

Offline riffraft

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2020, 01:41:23 PM »
Let’s keep politics out of this or this one will be shut down

Better bet is to just shut it down now. It is hard for some of us to keep our mouths shut (well fingers off the keyboards)

Offline TxSkyBolt

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2020, 07:32:33 PM »
You are trying to pivot. My post was not about Trump but rather about Fox being “fake” and slanted to whatever Trump says.

As far as your post, this is one heck of a mistake for the leader of our country. If he took it seriously from the beginning, maybe the entire country would not be shut down, and the markets crashing.  This is not just a little “mistake,” it is a disaster.  Trump said the Corona virus was hoax (come on get real that is much more than a mistake and definitely shows a lack of leadership on the most dangerous issue facing our country and economy probably since the Great Depression). He never takes responsibility for anything it is always someone else’s fault.  Whatever happened to the “buck stops here”. He has 0 leadership abilities.
Do some research before spouting leftist talking points. At no time did the president ever call Covid-19 a hoax. During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, the President likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Ralph Damren

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2020, 07:34:02 AM »
AHH....remembering to the daze of my youth, when political debates were often phrased with : " My HONORED opponent feels that way, but I feel...." . Today it seems more like : " I if you think I'm a louse, my opponent is even a bigger one  >:( ".
Be ye Democrat, GOP, Whig or whatever ; we are all Americans. In football talk , the offensive unit and defensive unit are on the same team just trying to win a different way. While I usually vote more GOP than Democrat, I consider myself an American first. In my lifetime I've seen Maine elect two I - governors and a current I - US Senator. In the recent impeachment trial, Congressman Jared Golden (D-ME) was the only one to cross party lines and vote nay on one of the articles. On the Senate side, Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) was the only one to cross party lines and vote yay to hear witnesses. They both voted with their hearts and will get my vote this Fall.

These are trying days for all of us. Let us all be Americans and try to stay positive and support our leaders in Congress, the White House, Governorship, State House or Mayor. We stand a much better chance of coming out of this quicker if we all stand togather , than to just waive our fingers at each other.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 07:37:09 AM by Ralph Damren »

Offline riffraft

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2020, 09:06:07 AM »
Better bet is to just shut it down now. It is hard for some of us to keep our mouths shut (well fingers off the keyboards)

BTW I am talking about myself

Offline Grant - AR

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2020, 09:46:44 AM »
AHH....remembering to the daze of my youth, when political debates were often phrased with : " My HONORED opponent feels that way, but I feel...." . Today it seems more like : " I if you think I'm a louse, my opponent is even a bigger one  >:( ".
Be ye Democrat, GOP, Whig or whatever ; we are all Americans. In football talk , the offensive unit and defensive unit are on the same team just trying to win a different way. While I usually vote more GOP than Democrat, I consider myself an American first. In my lifetime I've seen Maine elect two I - governors and a current I - US Senator. In the recent impeachment trial, Congressman Jared Golden (D-ME) was the only one to cross party lines and vote nay on one of the articles. On the Senate side, Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) was the only one to cross party lines and vote yay to hear witnesses. They both voted with their hearts and will get my vote this Fall.

These are trying days for all of us. Let us all be Americans and try to stay positive and support our leaders in Congress, the White House, Governorship, State House or Mayor. We stand a much better chance of coming out of this quicker if we all stand togather , than to just waive our fingers at each other.


Well said, Ralph.  I think the vast majority of Americans feel the same way.  Unfortunately, it's the loud, crazy ones with the wildest ideas (on both sides) that seem to always make it on TV.  I guess that brings in viewers and sells ads. 

Offline Punter

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2020, 07:07:40 AM »
The guy speaks for himself.  No need for “leftist talking points.”
« Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 07:12:29 AM by Punter »

Offline JasonTX

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2020, 12:58:40 PM »
The guy speaks for himself.  No need for “leftist talking points.”

Excellent leadership.   He evolved with the problem.  At 15 cases it wasn't that big and nobody knew how big it would get.  But Trump took a bold step and issued a travel ban from China.  He was attacked and called a racist and xenophobe.   That move is now being highlighted as saving thousands of lives on top of what we are now seeing.  This is a logistical nightmare like we have never seen but this President is bringing out the best in our country like we have never seen before. 

Offline Punter

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2020, 04:30:42 PM »
The travel ban is the only thing he got right. Which by the way is his first answer for every issue, close the border, build a wall, etc.

Other than that, He was saying that the virus was no big deal.  We should have started preparing way back then and building ventilators.  Even today, when asked about these issues, he blames the “previous administration.”  He has been in office over 3 years so he owns this.   Leaders take responsibility, and do not pass the blame to others. Whatever happened to “the buck stops here?”  Trump a leader? Not so much.  He is currently -playing catch up, and people are losing their life because of it.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 07:07:45 PM by Punter »

Offline chaoslord

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2020, 10:03:31 PM »
Long time lurker, gonna jump in here and say I think you are both wrong!

Punter, President Trump did not say it was a hoax. I do not like his dishonesty in general, but he did not do that and it's wrong to say that he did.

JasonTX, the idea that "At 15 cases it wasn't that big and nobody knew how big it would get" is ridiculous. By the time it was at 15 cases here it was very clear what was coming and, as the chief executive, he should have been taking it more seriously rather than trying to downplay it by saying it was under control or that it was going to disappear because it was clear that it wasn't.

My state has been very slow in responding in general (we do not have any sort of shelter in place order or anything like that yet), and from the Athletics side we have not formally shut down the spring sports entirely yet. I know they are just trying to hold out hope that things will turn around, but I wish they would pull the trigger already. If we come back when they are hoping to, we'll get two weeks and then baseball/softball regionals start and state track, and three weeks and state soccer/baseball/softball playoffs. There's just no time to do it. I feel terrible for the seniors, I really do, but I think the false hope that maybe we can come back is going to lead to more disappointment than if they just pulled the band-aid off now.

Offline bbeagle

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2020, 05:57:11 AM »
As much as I love football, if it lasts that long, we have much bigger problems than no football this fall.  Anarchy will reign!

Oddly enough, we never thought about the situation we are in now.

Anarchy is the REASON we are having no football in the fall. If people would have worn masks in May, June, July, we would be having football in the fall.... but people were anarchists and now, sadly, we can't have good things.

Offline Grant - AR

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2020, 09:58:26 AM »
Oddly enough, we never thought about the situation we are in now.

Anarchy is the REASON we are having no football in the fall. If people would have worn masks in May, June, July, we would be having football in the fall.... but people were anarchists and now, sadly, we can't have good things.

I looked up the definition of anarchy and the first definition that came up is:

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

I'm not sure if wearing/not wearing a mask falls under that definition (I can see where it might), but I definitely think the riots, destruction, defunding the police, etc. definitely fall under the above definition of anarchy. 

Offline Ralph Damren

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2020, 12:04:48 PM »


                                                                           YOU CARED ABOUT ME YOU WOULD WEAR ONE TOO.

Offline Ralph Damren

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2021, 04:41:47 AM »
As much as I love football, if it lasts that long, we have much bigger problems than no football this fall.  Anarchy will reign!
I felt the same way, Carol, but somehow we all made it :). This has to be the most challenging year in the history of Planet Earth :( but we humans are creative critters and have somehow managed to adjust. IMHO, the glass is half-full and will be filled to the brim by next football season. I can then put my face-covering in the closet that contains my Davy Crockett hat, Nero jacket and disco-shoes :puke:....


                        ^good ^good ^good ^good ^good ^good ^good (7-MAN CREW)

Offline Grant - AR

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2021, 09:06:04 AM »
I felt the same way, Carol, but somehow we all made it :). This has to be the most challenging year in the history of Planet Earth :( but we humans are creative critters and have somehow managed to adjust. IMHO, the glass is half-full and will be filled to the brim by next football season. I can then put my face-covering in the closet that contains my Davy Crockett hat, Nero jacket and disco-shoes :puke:....

This past year has definitely been a challenge.  It's not completely over yet, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel...and it's not a train.  Hopefully very soon, everything will return to normal.  Last football season was not normal in many ways, but I was lucky enough to work almost as many games as previous years.  I only had a couple that were cancelled (unfortunately, one of them was my last and biggest game of the year so the end of the season was somewhat of a let down). 

It was interesting to go back and read this thread again.  Many of us speculated on what would happen, and almost all of us were wrong.   ;D  I'm glad we have a better track record at getting things right on the football field. 

As far as politics go, I hope the folks in Washington DC will figure out how to come together for the country.  If not, I say we (50 states) secede from DC and start over.   :patrioticon: FlAg1

Offline JasonTX

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #43 on: April 08, 2021, 06:46:39 PM »

As far as politics go, I hope the folks in Washington DC will figure out how to come together for the country.  If not, I say we (50 states) secede from DC and start over.   :patrioticon: FlAg1

We did that a long time ago in Texas.   aWaRd

Offline Ralph Damren

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #44 on: April 09, 2021, 05:18:44 AM »
We did that a long time ago in Texas.   aWaRd
Jason, when Texas applied for statehood wasn't there a provision that someday they could be split into 5 separate states if they so chose ? If so, that would be a surefire way of stacking the senate  8] 8] 8] 8] 8] !
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 05:21:00 AM by Ralph Damren »

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Can't help but wonder...
« Reply #45 on: April 09, 2021, 08:51:41 AM »
Jason, when Texas applied for statehood wasn't there a provision that someday they could be split into 5 separate states if they so chose ? If so, that would be a surefire way of stacking the senate  8] 8] 8] 8] 8] !

Indeed, the 1845 Annexation Agreement contains language that would permit Texas to create 4 additional states within its boundaries, for a total of 5 states. That may sound tempting, but we'd still be getting the lives sucked out of us by the liberals in CA, NY, MI, WI, on and on...
Let's just secede, and formally create our own CONSERVATIVE country. Close the borders - ALL OF THEM - and open up oil drilling, while exploring all other energy production technologies (particularly hydrogen). We have everything we need. Land, water, airports, seaports, workforce, natural resources, major universities, (but we'd run off the liberal educators), manufacturing of ALL kinds - you name it, we got it (well, maybe not Hawaiian-esque tropical jungle, but, eh, you can't have everything, I guess). Heck, if we negotiate right, we could have B-1s, F-16s, nukes, M1A1s - heck there's even carrier in Corpus Christi. Right-to-work. At-will employment. A few things we'd need to do constitutionally differently than the USA, like birth-right citizenship only to children born to married Texas citizens. Earned citizenship with minimum 5 years residence and self-sufficiency, read/understand English. Welfare only to citizens that CAN'T work. Voting only for registered, non-felon citizens - in-person only, with proof of registration and identity required, but with 7-day voting window for everybody, and hard-ballot voting only (computers can be used for tallying, but the votes must be hard-ballots). A single federal income tax fixed constitutionally from 5% to 10% (varies with income), with no credits, deductions, exemptions, etc. Period. You make X, you pay Y.
Elected federal officials get paid the average individual income for all citizens.
I could go on for hours.