There are two (well, three, but two are directly related) statistics that I don't think anyone has proffered, that could be major factors in how this whole COVID 19 thing is viewed.
1a) What is the relationship of the level of illness of COVID 19 positive patients to their smoking history?
1b) What is the relationship of deaths of COVID 19 positive patients to their smoking history?
2) What average level of illness is experienced by all COVID 19 positive patients?
Being a disease that has a direct impact on the pulmonary system, I can't help but think that those that have a history of smoking are not only at risk of greater 'suffering' from the disease, but also from death, exacerbated by the disease. I'd really like to know the answer to this one, because tobacco is the only legal product on the market in the USA that, when used as directed, will kill you (on its own - never mind COVID 19). Nearly a half-million people in the US die from smoking annually (including second-hand smoke), yet, no one is calling for the heads of our legislators or governmental executives over this issue. According to CDC information, annual deaths from smoking are continuing to increase - not plateau or decrease. Where is the outrage? I can't help but think there is a direct relationship between smoking and the total death rate of COVID 19 patients.
And, to what level of illness does the average COVID 19 patient suffer? I don't know that, but I'd sure like to know. The half-dozen folks that I know, personally, that have tested positive for COVID 19 never suspected they had it to begin with, and were able to carry on with life as usual, with only the most minimal of effects. The worst effect any of them reported was the loss of taste for 1/2 of a day.
Yes, there are a lot of folks that suffer far more seriously than these folks. But, I suspect minimal effects are far, far more typical than those that suffer the more serious effects. But all we get are statistics on numbers of new positive cases, recoveries, and deaths. How about statistics on the level of illness experienced? If they used a scale of 1 (almost no effects) to 10 (critical effects), I'd be willing to bet we'd see the average level of illness for all of those that test positive for COVID 19 (across the country) to be somewhere between 1 and 2. If we knew that statistic, we probably wouldn't be nearly as afraid.
While COVID may be a topical issue, it will go away. I'm not a doctor or a biomedical expert, but, based on what I see being reported, IMHO, this time next year, COVID 19 will be totally under control - not totally eradicated, perhaps (that may never happen) - but truly under control, and the country will be completely back to normal. And, IMHO, nothing anyone - ANYONE - could have, would have, done would change this.
I'm not interested in a "new normal." I want to get back to the true normal. I want to get rid of the useless, ineffective masks (I do wear them, where/when requested). I want to go to a new movie. I want to go to concerts (Vince Gill, The Eagles, oh, yeah). I want to work a football game with a wild, enthusiastic crowd, shoulder-to-shoulder in the stands.
Let's encourage our elected leaders to PUSH for a vaccine before the end of the year. I'll volunteer to be a test subject, right now.
In the mean time, I will continue to live life as true normal as I possibly can. Which means - I GOTTA GAME TONIGHT! Yeah. Let's get after it.