Author Topic: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open  (Read 6913 times)

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Offline ElvisLives

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Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« on: March 02, 2021, 01:59:19 PM »
Gettin’ it done in Texas. As of 3/10, Texas will be re-opened 100%. All businesses in the state will be able to completely re-open, without restriction. The requirement to wear a mask will be removed, and there can be no penalty or punishment by any entity to someone that chooses to not wear a mask.
On this date, Texas Independence Day, March 2, Texas has once again regained its independence.

Rejoice, my friends.

Offline dammitbobby

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2021, 03:25:08 PM »
My understanding is that while there may not be governmental penalties for not wearing a mask, if a business chooses to require a mask as a condition of entry, you still have to follow their requirements, yes? 

Offline JasonTX

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2021, 04:02:03 PM »
My understanding is that while there may not be governmental penalties for not wearing a mask, if a business chooses to require a mask as a condition of entry, you still have to follow their requirements, yes?
  I don't know the answer to that, but I also don't know of any business who required one to begin with.   I have seen them with signs indicating they were required but when you walk in very few would be wearing one and the business wasn't denying entry to those who chose not to wear one.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2021, 04:37:17 PM »
My understanding is that while there may not be governmental penalties for not wearing a mask, if a business chooses to require a mask as a condition of entry, you still have to follow their requirements, yes?

Fine. I'll go to the restaurant next door that doesn't require masks. I'll go to to the tire shop around the corner to buy new tires from the business that doesn't require masks. On and on. They'll come around pretty dang quick.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2021, 06:20:08 AM »
Well, imagine that. Texas has been 100% open for several weeks, now, and the total Covid cases have been dropping, and continue to drop. Businesses are fully open. Masks are still being worn, but purely on a voluntary basis by those that choose to do so. High risk people have been vaccinated. All adults 18 and over are eligible for the vaccine.
Schools are open. Kids are running and laughing. Sports are being played - WITH LIVE SPECTATORS. Nursing homes and other care facilities are open for visitors.
Very nearly totally back to real normal. The only real risk now are the hordes of illegal aliens - many of them testing positive for Covid - flooding across the border, and expecting free health care, housing, education, and nourishment.
Hmmm. We didn’t have that problem three months ago.
But, we will find ways to continue to get it done.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2021, 10:32:05 AM »
Texas officially fully opened 3/10, but, truthfully, most folks got started the day Gov. Abbott announced the full re-opening of Texas (3/2). So, now, 27 days later, the Covid cases are still on the decline - just a fraction of what they were as recently as mid-February -  and a lot of the population have been vaccinated. Some businesses/venues, as is their right, have voluntarily elected to maintain limitations on occupancy/participation. Nothing wrong with that. But, the great 'surge' that was predicted by many folks simply hasn't happened. We are moving forward.
Small gatherings on July 4th? Ha. Sorry, Joe. We'll be celebratin' with all of our family, neighbors and friends. The only thing surging down here is the economy. Not quite like 2-3 years ago, yet, but we are coming back. Can't wait to see full stadia this fall! And the only one wearing a mask will be the great Masked Rider from Texas Tech!   

Offline Grant - AR

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2021, 04:48:20 PM »
I've heard of several other states that are planning to completely open up in the next month or so.  Of course, businesses are free to continue to require masks, but it won't be a government mandate.  My guess is that many businesses will require masks for several more months just to be extra cautious.  I just hope we don't have to wear masks again this fall during games. 

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2021, 01:35:11 PM »
Texas has been fully open for well over a month, and COVID cases have declined ever since it was fully opened. Here in my town, we haven't had a COVID death in nearly that same amount of time. New cases are down to single digits each day. Recoveries are far exceeding new cases each day. Hospitalizations are way, way down. Vaccinations are at about 25% of the population and growing rapidly. Masks are nearly non-existent for diners and customers. Food service workers still wear them, but even that is a choice - not a mandate. Kids have been back in school for many months, now. There was a huge gathering of folks at the basketball arena to welcome the new head basketball coach at our FBS university, a few weeks ago. Few masks. People sat shoulder-to-shoulder. No 'spike.' Baseball is happenin'. Track is happenin'. The University is planning full return to in-person classes this fall.
Last week, I flew for the first time since COVID started. I cooperated, and wore a mask while in the airports and on the planes. But I couldn't help but snicker at the folks wearing medical goggles, face masks, and face shields - ALL AT THE SAME TIME. The flight attendants hand out sanitizing towelette packets as you walk on the plane, which I just dropped into my briefcase. But those same folks were wiping down everything in sight. I just went on as usual, except for wearing a totally unnecessary mask. Short flights - no service, whatsoever, except the FAs walked up and down the aisles a couple of times with trash bags to collect any trash that anybody had (mostly used towelettes and packaging  :)).

Got my second COVID vaccination a few weeks ago. Felt nothing that day. The next day, I awakened feeling bad - nothing specific, just felt bad, plus a sore arm. Lasted all day. Next morning - all was fine.

I know it ain't quite the same in the big cities (Dallas, Houston, etc.), but even those places are showing declines in new cases, deaths, and hospitalizations; this, despite the massive number of cases being brought into the state by illegal aliens (and that is documented - not just me waxing politically). I just wish the city council of just one of those places would have the cajones to encourage a return to previous normal - and see what happens. Nothing, I'd bet.

Sung to the tune of "Elvira": No vi-rus. No vi-rus. I ainnnnnnnnn't afraidddddd o' no vi-rus.  (I penned that before I got my vaccinations, BTW.)

What's my fantasy, you ask?  Texas and Hawai'i form their own country.  Texwai'i. With direct flights four times each day between the two. Only Texwai'i citizens allowed. The US would have to lease Pearl Harbor, and all other US installations (like the big-hiney NSA installation on Oahu - near the Dole Plantation).
Well, actually, that would be a disservice to the true Hawai'ian people. The US should just get the heck out, and let the true Hawai'ians have their aina back.

Been rambling too long. Back to work.

Offline Grant - AR

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2021, 03:39:56 PM »
Our local school district put out a statement a couple of weeks ago saying they would be going to full in-person instruction this fall.  If anyone is objected to this, there are other options in the area for online instruction, but these are not affiliated with the public school district.  If students will be going with online schooling this fall, that would be the same as transferring to another district.  If/when they are comfortable resuming in-person instruction, they can transfer back to the local school district. 

Offline JasonTX

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2021, 10:20:42 PM »
I'd like to see a list of investors for those mask manufacturers.  I bet there are some politicians on there.  Never let a crisis go to waste.  hEaDbAnG

Online Ralph Damren

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2021, 04:49:19 AM »
My hometown converted an old,closed shoe shop into a spiffy new plant that ONLY produces nasal swabs used for corona testing at a huge investment.  ??? Unsure  ??? of it's return on investment once corona is controlled.

Online Ralph Damren

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2021, 05:52:44 AM »
My understanding is that while there may not be governmental penalties for not wearing a mask, if a business chooses to require a mask as a condition of entry, you still have to follow their requirements, yes?
I asked a couple of friends, that own businesses, of their stance if the mask mandate was lifted. Their responses were : "My sign of 'masks required' would quickly be changed to 'mask optional"". IMHO, most people that have been vaccinated feel that the mask is unnecessary and will choose not to wear one. Soon most people will have been vaccinated. To stay competitive, it would seem that most businesses would follow the lead of my friends.

Several years ago I was going into a hospital for knee replacement. As I pre-registered, I was asked:

NURSE : "Do you realize that this operation could result in your death ?"
I RESPONDED : "I also realize that I could get runover by a beer truck leaving this hospital that would result in my death  ::) !"
NURSE : "Beer trucks DO NOT make deliveries at this hospital  >:( !"
ME: "Well, OK, a bread truck than  ;) .."
There is always a slight chance of danger every morning when we awake - we might fall out of bed - let's try to enjoy our days, not fear them.

I dream of the day when my/our life will be back to normal. I hope to awake soon to find that it has... tiphat:
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 06:40:17 AM by Ralph Damren »

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2021, 03:55:54 PM »
Governor Abbot issued an order to all governmental agencies to discontinue the REQUIREMENT to wear a mask at governmental facilities. Not only an order, but tied to a penalty of a fine if anyone in a governmental facility is required to wear one. This is for anyone - employees and visitors.

Considering the death rate from COVID in Texas has all but disappeared, in spite of large gatherings of folks at sporting events, etc., in recent months, this tells me that COVID is all but over here in Texas. Personally, haven't worn a mask in my area in months. (Had to when traveling by air not long ago.) That includes a HS spring game last Friday night. No masks to be seen anywhere in the stadium. I fully expect that we'll be having good ol' football in August, with packed stadia, no masks, and no mass hysteria.

We are almost back to old normal. And we are getting rain, too. Life is good.

Offline JasonTX

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2021, 09:15:30 PM »

We are almost back to old normal. And we are getting rain, too. Life is good.

Good to see that you are still posting and not sucked up in the tornado that you had to dodge.   :thumbup

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2021, 05:20:26 AM »
Good to see that you are still posting and not sucked up in the tornado that you had to dodge.   :thumbup
Thanks. Fortunately, none of the funnels - some almost directly over my house - never touched the ground. But they were close. Got lots and lots of marble sized hail at my house. Other parts of town got some baseball size hail, but not a lot, and not much damage. We got .4” rain in 30 mins., and that was GOOD. Cotton farmers are ecstatic. Perfect timing for planting.
Come on August!

Online Ralph Damren

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2021, 09:53:01 AM »
Good to see that you are still posting and not sucked up in the tornado that you had to dodge.   :thumbup
I envy you Texans for your warm winters but not your deadly weather. While we Mainers have ….
SNOW : We shovel it and swear at it.
COLD : We wear more clothes,wool hats, use/drink more antifreeze and swear at it.
ICE : We wear LL Bean traction boots, still fall down,use studded snow-tires  and swear at it.

… guys need to run or hide from yours. Y'all stay safe, y'hear  :) !!

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2021, 06:34:55 PM »
I envy you Texans for your warm winters but not your deadly weather. While we Mainers have ….
SNOW : We shovel it and swear at it.
COLD : We wear more clothes,wool hats, use/drink more antifreeze and swear at it.
ICE : We wear LL Bean traction boots, still fall down,use studded snow-tires  and swear at it.

… guys need to run or hide from yours. Y'all stay safe, y'hear  :) !!

Warm winters? Say. You’re not from around here, are ya? 🙂

We just had the most brutally cold winter since I’ve been alive. Ice storms killed power, water, and gas in many areas for days. Lives were lost. Billions of good dollars lost in recovery efforts.
Maybe our winters aren’t as long, but they can be every bit as debilitating and disastrous. Not whining - just stating a fact.
Let’s all move to Hawaii. Oh, wait. We’d have to wear a mask. Never mind.

Offline dammitbobby

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2021, 10:10:17 PM »
I'd wear a mask to have Hawaii weather all year long, instead of a few weeks in the Spring and Fall.  :)

Offline riffraft

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2021, 10:13:16 AM »
Warm winters? Say. You’re not from around here, are ya? 🙂

We just had the most brutally cold winter since I’ve been alive. Ice storms killed power, water, and gas in many areas for days. Lives were lost. Billions of good dollars lost in recovery efforts.
Maybe our winters aren’t as long, but they can be every bit as debilitating and disastrous. Not whining - just stating a fact.
Let’s all move to Hawaii. Oh, wait. We’d have to wear a mask. Never mind.

You want warm winters, come to Phoenix.  Though it was a bit cold this winter.  Good part of the time lows were in the low 40s

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: Beginning 3/10, Texas 100% open
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2021, 01:18:50 PM »
You want warm winters, come to Phoenix.  Though it was a bit cold this winter.  Good part of the time lows were in the low 40s

Nah. Arizona has illegal aliens pouring over their border. Oh. Wait....