(1) A D-I school in your area;
(2) Season opener;
(3) A contact on the officiating crew;
(4) A coach willing to supply a team.
UMaine was hosting U Albany for the season opener. I knew the referee, Jeff, as a former high school Maine official. He called to say his crew had to be in town the night before the game. Usually they watch film of previous week's games to learn team tendencies, but being the season opener, they weren't any. He wanted to get his guys in football mode and offered to put on a clinic for us. I conacted a local coach who agreed to supply a team, I informed our guys to show up in full uniform.
The ref would ask the coach to run a series of plays,We would rotate 5 man crews and the NCAA guys wouid monitor each official on each play and provide verbal instruction. The clinic lasted for 2+ hours and everyone of our members. It ended with Jeff,the ref,. offering comp tickets to the Bangor Rams (the involved team) and left us with a rules question that we could discuss at dinner. We agreed to pick up their dinner tab for after the clinic - alcohol isn't allowed on the night before the game- so our price wasn't bad. The following meeting, every member raved about the clinic. Everyone told what he had learned. I learned that there was not a need to go up to the LOS while the ball was spotted, saves on shoeleather and ref mileage- at my age I don't care to run more than I need to.
Granted, the stars have to align for this to be possible, but keep your eye open for D-I season openers and try to find a contact on the NCAA crew. The rules question was.....
PS: non of us got it, there wasn't an alcohol restriction on our menus