Unintended hidden change, I suspect.
2009-10 9-1-2-e-3:
3. During a scrimmage down, defensive players are prohibited from
blocking an eligible Team A receiver below the waist beyond the
neutral zone unless attempting to get at the ball or ball carrier. A
Team A receiver remains eligible until a legal forward pass is no
longer possible by rule.
2011 9-1-6-c:
(c) Players of the defensive team who at the snap are inside the blocking
zone extended to the sideline may block below the waist inside that area
until the blocking zone disintegrates (Rule 2-3-6-b) except against a
Team A player in position to receive a backward pass.
No mention of a prohibition of BBW against eligible receivers in the blocking zone extended to the sideline. Granted, the blocking zone is going to disintegrate fairly quickly, in most cases. And BBW is prohibited beyond the blocking zone. But, I can easily see a QB taking a hand-to-hand snap, raising to throw to a wing back just beyond the NZ, but the wingback has been cut to the ground by a LB. This has been illegal for probably 30 years. (32, to be exact - introduced in 1979) By the wording here, now legal. I don't think this is intended. The idea of returning to a time (like when I was in HS) when a DB could cut the receiver at the line, and take him out of the pass pattern is a step back to the stone ages, relatively speaking.
First one to get an audience with RR, please see what he says about this.