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General Discussion / Re: O2O radios and PTT belt switches
« Last post by GoodScout on January 30, 2025, 05:54:31 PM »
Anyone have suggestions for a system that's the easiest to learn and use?
The thought is we would test a system with one crew a week to give officials a chance to evaluate and decide if O2Os should become part of our association statewide.
We rotate officials (no crews) so each week it would likely be a new group (same referee) that would have to get a quick training in use and etiquette as part of pregame.
Thoughts? Would the SpeakEasy system too complex to pick up?
Texas Topics / Re: Interesting Extend Period Question
« Last post by oldtimerref on January 30, 2025, 05:07:47 PM »
When I was in the Southern Conference Dallas Shirley brought in John Adams for football and the WAC  would  bring in Mr. Shirley for basketball.
General Discussion / O2O radios and PTT belt switches
« Last post by ElvisLives on January 30, 2025, 04:20:54 PM »
Don’t ask why, but I sold my O2O radios before the 2024 season, and I’m considering getting new ones for 2025. I had Midland radios. They worked fine, and they look to still be available. In 2022 I got those large round belt-mounted PTT switches with clip microphones and clear tube ear pieces that a company started selling. Worked great, but I can’t remember the name of the company that sold them, and don’t see them online by description. Anybody happen to remember those and the company that made them?
Texas Topics / Re: Interesting Extend Period Question
« Last post by ElvisLives on January 30, 2025, 01:51:08 PM »
Those were the good times, my friend!

Texas Topics / Re: Interesting Extend Period Question
« Last post by Etref on January 30, 2025, 01:10:33 PM »
Back then, we used to get Nelson AND John Adams to be our exclusive presenters at our regional workshop, and workshops were Friday evening, all day Saturday, and Sunday mornings. We learned a lot, and we learned it right. I miss those days. 3-hour workshops with two 25 minute breaks just don’t get the job done.

Those were the good times, my friend!
Texas Topics / Re: Interesting Extend Period Question
« Last post by ElvisLives on January 30, 2025, 10:45:20 AM »
I still have the 1976 NCAA book with rules and interpretations with David Nelson, Editor.   Rule additions included mandatory equipment shoulder pads, hip pads and thigh guards  plus spearing rule definition added.

Back then, we used to get Nelson AND John Adams to be our exclusive presenters at our regional workshop, and workshops were Friday evening, all day Saturday, and Sunday mornings. We learned a lot, and we learned it right. I miss those days. 3-hour workshops with two 25 minute breaks just don’t get the job done.
Texas Topics / Re: Interesting Extend Period Question
« Last post by oldtimerref on January 30, 2025, 08:46:37 AM »
I still have the 1976 NCAA book with rules and interpretations with David Nelson, Editor.   Rule additions included mandatory equipment shoulder pads, hip pads and thigh guards  plus spearing rule definition added.
Texas Topics / Re: Interesting Extend Period Question
« Last post by dammitbobby on January 30, 2025, 07:20:27 AM »
  Okay -- I was in the room when this came up.  So this is straight from the horse's mouth.

  The genesis of this issue was a discussion last Saturday in the Dallas Football Officials Assn Crew Chief training class.  We had a very good presenter discussing everyone's favorite topic -- the Kicking Game.  The discussion got around to fouls on successful field goals and trys.  Somewhere in the discussion, someone said what happens if the foul (say Roughing the Kicker or Contact on the Snapper, or Leaping) happens on the last play of the 2nd quarter as Team A kicks a successful FG.  The discussions then went like this:

  "Well, Team A can accept the penalty yardage and get 15 yards (or half the distance) and have an automatic first down.  Or accept the points and have the penalty enforced on the 2nd half kickoff" citing Rule 10-5-2-d.  That is when I spoke up and said that was not correct.  Just like if you took the points off the board and ran a 1st down play -- it would be an extension of the 2nd period for an untimed down.  Similarly,  taking the points and enforcing on the succeeding kickoff per Rule 10-2-5-d should be an untimed down before the 2nd half.

  A spirited discussion ensured over the break and I pointed out to those at my table that under Rule 3-2-3 extension of period for an untimed down occurs when there is a accepted live ball foul that does not include a loss of down as part of the penalty.  Now, there is an exception within 3-2-3-a-1 for Rule 10-2-5-a.  10-5-2-a is specific to fouls on touchdowns.  Rule 3-2-3 extension of period has no exception for fouls on FGs or Trys under 10-5-2-d.  Granted this leads to a peculiar situation where you would have a kickoff with a 15 yard penalty enforced and go immediately to the half after the kickoff.  Kind of takes away the incentive of Team A to accept the penalty on the succeeding kickoff because there is no upside to basically giving his opponent a chance to score on a return, or just squibbing the ball down the middle, and then going to half. 

  One of the guys at my table raised this glitch in the rule by email with a college official trainer friend while we were in the meeting.  That college trainer apparently then raised the issue with Shaw, who supposedly said that an editorial change would be made in the off season.  So, I suspect that Rule 3-2-3-a-1 will be changed to have the exception apply to all of 10-5-2 or simply add 10-5-2-d to the exception alongside 10-5-2-a.

   Fun that a room full of Dallas High School officials effect a change in the NCAA Rulebook.

I think that glitch is a good way to describe this.  I can see the issue I just didn't articulate it well (and still got it wrong)
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