Author Topic: National Anthem Protests  (Read 16052 times)

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Offline yarnnelg

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Re: National Anthem Protests
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2018, 11:00:29 PM »
I'm mad. I protested in 1971 by standing up for the National Anthem. And got the boot.

Grant Heights Family Housing Base, Tokyo, Japan.

If you do something iffy, always make sure the Base Commander's son is at your side. Easier that way.

Woodstock, Jimi Hendrix version of the National Anthem.

Football team stood. Movie stopped, house lights up and we were escorted out of the theater. My Dad was sitting next to the Base Commander on the back row. Never got in trouble for that one.

Some of those guys went to basic that summer, to Viet Nam and never came back.