As a deep wing, your key (both 7- and 8-m mechanics) is always going to be the #1 (or outermost) receiver on your side. Easy to remember.
The only advice I can give you, is that don't officiate air - if you key isn't being threatened, go looking for work - move your eyes inwards to the next block or interesting action. Learn to make this transition quickly - takes lots and lots of snaps to do this effectively.
Ball mechanics - your first priority is getting players out of the opposing sideline, but immediately after, you should be looking for a ball to put in play, and get it to the U (usually.)
Not disputing anything Bobby says, at all. But, I also know that the NFL has transitioned to a concept of "areas of responsibility," as opposed to hard and fast "keys." Again, I believe this is filtering down to NCAA, but I don't know how far that has reached, either. Again, would be good to know their expectations before you get there, if possible.
With a Center Judge, ball handling is a bit different, I believe, but they didn't move to 8 until 2 seasons after I retired from FBS.