Thanks, guys, for your suggestions. It appears my suggestion hasn't much traction regarding the 4th ump. It was probably selfish on my part as most of my games have been as the "mound ump" and at age 75 I'm not as fleet of foot as I once was. In a 4-man crew we usually bring the 2nd base ump inside when either 1st or 2nd base is occupied. That mechanic may infringe on the mound ump's turf, so we may keep him on the rim.
Many feel that this has been an overreaction on the part of the Maine Principals' Association, but it was prompted by two basketball and one hockey official testing positive after working a game and requiring both teams involved to shut down their programs for ten days. IMHO, it's real baseball for the kids and an umping challenge for us. We are told , though, that summer ball - for me American Legion - we can return to the "ole fashion" way. I still use the outside protector and am polishing it off. As Ernie Banks once said....