Author Topic: A DAY TO REMEMBER.......  (Read 2139 times)

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Offline Ralph Damren

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« on: June 06, 2022, 10:38:02 AM »
June 6, 1944...

      As dawn came to a foggy Normandy beach, the evil Nazi crooked cross began to tremble and soon to crumble at the sight of the largest naval armada man had ever seen. 4,500 military vessels flying the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack; over 8,000 Allied aircraft in the air. By nightfall, near a quarter-million G.I.s, Tommys, Canadians, Free-Poles, and French Resistance Fighters had joined hands and in a scant two months General Charles DeGaulle lead the Allies down the streets of liberated Paris.

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Please take a moment to remember that day, as the greatest day for our brave men (gender neutral) from Tom Brokaw's 'Greatest Generation'   FlAg1

« Last Edit: June 06, 2022, 10:48:20 AM by Ralph Damren »