I then have to assume that TAPPS stands for Texas...something. NOT refering to Maine's TIPS under the running time mercy rule
. Each NFHS state can form their mercy rule. My favorite is Connecticut's : if a team wins by 50 or more, their headcoach is suspended for one game. ![Cool 8]](http://www.refstripes.com/forum/Smileys/classic/cool.gif)
Ralph, Texas HS sports and other competitive activities are governed by several different organizations. The University Interscholastic League (UIL) governs all public, I.e., tax supported, schools. The Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) governs most non-public schools. There are a few other smaller organizations that govern other non-public schools.
The UIL does not have a ‘mercy’ rule of any kind for 11-player football. They do have a rule for 6-player football, which is once a team is ahead by 45 or more points at the end of the second period, game over. That’s it. No monkeying with running clocks or anything else like that, although some coaches may request such action. Sadly, some officials will permit such clock running, etc., when requested, but they shouldn’t.
As for TAPPS, yes for 11-player football, they have a running clock thing for 40 points or more, as described by Txgarza. And for TAPPS 6-player football, they follow UIL exceptions, I.e., once a 45 or more points differential is reached after the second period, game over . (Had that happen for me just last night.)