A war storyfrom many years ago....
SCENE : Working a state championship game at Bowdion College as umpire, the ref's real job as warden of Maine State Prison

ACT I : As we entered the rustic ole' field an empty whiskey bottle came a' sailing and broke at the warden/ref's feet.
ACT II : Ref shrugged and said; "Musta' been from one of my alumni, let's go back to our 'hideaway' ".
ACT III : There ,he pulled out a waklie-talkie (cell phones hadn't yet came to town0 and muttered several codes.
ACT IV : Within moments four Maine State Troopers arrived, we had a 5 man crew, so the BJ didn't have an escort

ACT V : The troopers stayed for the game with 2 behind each end zone. They then escorted us to our locker room and then to our cars.
ACT VI : I asked one if he enjoyed the game. His response : "Beats the heckout of chasing drunks down the highway

EPILOGUE : There is an extra layer of protection with a prison warden on your crew.