Author Topic: S-B Quiz 2024-15 Championship Week  (Read 649 times)

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Offline ElvisLives

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S-B Quiz 2024-15 Championship Week
« on: December 06, 2024, 11:27:19 AM »
I think I got these.

Week 15

1. 2/7 @ A-5 late in the second quarter. Quarterback A11 drops back to pass and is scrambling in his end zone as he tries to find an open receiver. About to be tackled in the end zone, A11 throws the ball forward to the ground in an area where there are no eligible receivers. The referee throws a flag for intentional grounding. When the ball is dead the game clock shows 0:18. Team B accepts the penalty.
A, 3/7, A-5, 0:18 (2), snap (25) – OR – A, free kick, A-20, 0:08 (2), free kick timing ready (25) – OR - A, free kick, A-20, 0:18 (2), free kick timing (25).
Team B may decline the penalty, which will return the ball to the previous spot for the next down. By declining the penalty, Team B does not have the option for a 10-second subtraction. If Team B accepts the penalty, the result is a safety, 2-points for Team B, with a free kick by Team A to follow. By accepting the penalty, Team B also has the option of a 10-second subtraction from the game clock; thus, the game clock will either reflect the 10SS, or remain unchanged, as Team B so elects.

2. Free Kick @ A-35. Late in the game with the score tied, Kicker A98 places the ball down at the right hash for an apparent onside kick. After the Referee’s ready-for-play signal, A98 approaches the ball and then picks up the ball, runs to the left hash at the A-35, places the ball down and quickly kicks the ball. The ball is recovered by A21 at the A-47.
A, kickoff, A-30, free kick timing (25).
Once the lateral location for the pending kick is established and the ball is ready for play, the lateral location of the pending kick may not be changed unless there is a time out charged to either team, or if there is a subsequent ready-for-play interval. This is a dead-ball foul for an illegal kick, and the game officials shall sound their whistles and stop all action at the moment the kicking player’s foot contacts the ball, and penalize Team A 5-yards from the succeeding spot. Because of the penalty completion, Team A may then place the ball at a different location for the pending kick.

3. 3/Goal @ B-10. A86 is legally blocked out of bounds by B18 at Team B’s two-yard line. A86, while attempting an immediate return to the field of play, leaps from out of bounds and is airborne as he receives A16’s legal forward pass. He lands in Team B’s end zone with the ball in his grasp.
A, 4/G, B-10, snap (40 and running).
Because he attempted to return to the field immediately, A86 does not commit a foul for illegal touching (or any other foul). However, until he returns to the ground inbounds, he is, officially, out of bounds while he is airborne from out of bounds. Thus, when he touches the loose ball while airborne, the ball is dead, and the result of the down is an incomplete pass, next down at the previous spot.

4. Try @ B-3. A98’s kick is successful, but B54 is lined up offside. After the ball is dead, Team B commits a dead-ball personal foul.
A, try, B-3/4, no clock (25) – OR – A, kickoff, 50, free kick timing (25).
If Team A accepts the penalty for B54’s offside foul, the try down will be repeated; therefore, by rule, the penalty for the dead-ball UNR by team B will also be enforced on the repeat of the try, taking the ball to the B-3/4. If Team A declines the penalty for the offside foul, the 15-yard penalty for the dead-ball UNR by Team B is enforced at the spot of the succeeding kick, taking the ball to the 50.

5. 1/10 @ A-30. Shotgun Quarterback A8 takes the snap and runs around the right side with A34 running side-by-side. At the A-29, A8 thrusts the ball laterally toward A34 who touches the ball at the A-30. A8 releases the ball at A-31 at which time A34’s hands are slightly forward of A8.
Incomplete information – we don’t know the natural result of the down. But, on the assumption there is no change of team possession, and/or the down occurs outside of 2-minutes in the 2nd or 4th periods:
A, 2/14, A-26, ready.
Illegal forward handing occurs when the ball is forward of the player releasing the ball at the moment he releases it to teammate who successfully receives the ball. In this case, A8 illegally hands the ball forward to A34. The penalty is 5-yards from the spot of the handing, plus loss of down.

6. 3/10 @ A-6. QB A12 retreats and then passes forward to A21 who is the intended receiver and is in the area. Lineman A70, while in his end zone, reaches out and touches the ball as he attempts to catch the pass, and the pass falls incomplete.
A, 4/13, A-3, snap (25).
Since A12 was attempting a forward pass to A21, “in the area,” this is a legal forward pass. Thus, when A70 intentionally touched the previously untouched ball, he committed a foul for illegal touching. The penalty for illegal touching by an originally ineligible player is 5-yards (1/2 the distance) from the previous spot, plus a loss of down.

7. 3/10 @ A-6. QB A12 retreats and then passes forward to A21 who is the intended receiver and is in the area. Lineman A70, while in his end zone, reaches out and catches the pass and is downed in the end zone.
A, free kick, A-20, free kick timing (25) – OR – A, 4/13, A-3, snap (25).
The natural result of the down is a safety. If Team B elects the result of the down, Team B will get 2-points for the safety, and Team A will have a free kick from the A-20.
However, Team B has another option. Since A12 was attempting a forward pass to A21, “in the area,” this is a legal forward pass. Thus, when A70 intentionally touched the previously untouched ball, he committed a foul for illegal touching. The penalty for illegal touching by an originally ineligible player is 5-yards (half the distance) from the previous spot, plus a loss of down. By accepting the penalty, Team A will have 4th down, half the distance to the goal. Because of the apparent score (safety), the game clock will start on the snap (by rule).

8. 3/10 @ A-6. QB A12 retreats and then passes forward to A21 who is the intended receiver and is in the area. Lineman A70, while in his end zone, reaches out and catches the pass and is downed after having advanced to his two-yard line.
A, 4/14, A-2, ready (25).
Although A70 commits a foul for illegal touching, Team B will decline the penalty, because the natural result of the down will place the succeeding spot at the A-2, which is more advantageous to Team B than accepting the penalty for the illegal touching, which would place the ball at the A-3, for 4th down (due to the loss of down included with the penalty).

« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 05:12:36 PM by ElvisLives »

Offline ump_ben

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-15 Championship Week
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2024, 11:52:45 AM »
I think I got these.

Week 15

1. 2/7 @ A-5 late in the second quarter. Quarterback A11 drops back to pass and is scrambling in his end zone as he tries to find an open receiver. About to be tackled in the end zone, A11 throws the ball forward to the ground in an area where there are no eligible receivers. The referee throws a flag for intentional grounding. When the ball is dead the game clock shows 0:18. Team B accepts the penalty.
A, 3/7, A-5, 0:18 (2), snap (25) – OR – A, free kick, A-20, 0:08 (2), free kick timing (25) – OR - A, free kick, A-20, 0:18 (2), free kick timing (25).
Team B may decline the penalty, which will return the ball to the previous spot for the next down. By declining the penalty, Team B does not have the option for a 10-second subtraction. If Team B accepts the penalty, the result is a safety, 2-points for Team B, with a free kick by Team A to follow. By accepting the penalty, Team B also has the option of a 10-second subtraction from the game clock; thus, the game clock will either reflect the 10SS, or remain unchanged, as Team B so elects.

Not sure what you mean by free kick timing but for reasons that someone should fix the clock runs on the ready if the clock is set to 0:08.  This play is exactly AR 3-4-4-VIII

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-15 Championship Week
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2024, 01:20:30 PM »
Not sure what you mean by free kick timing but for reasons that someone should fix the clock runs on the ready if the clock is set to 0:08.  This play is exactly AR 3-4-4-VIII

Yep. Thank you. Just overlooked that, while being concerned about the actual time remaining. I will fix that in a moment.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-15 Championship Week
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2024, 11:21:34 AM »
From S-B answers:

1. S-B overlooks or ignores the option to decline the penalty and, effectively, treat the down as an incomplete pass. Although it would take some unusual circumstances for Team B to elect this option, those circumstances could certainly happen. Especially on 3rd or 4th down, and depending on time/score. But, I think the option should have been acknowledged by S-B.

2. Oddly, S-B state that the ruling is "by interpretation," but the rule itself contains everything needed to enforce this rule, not only the prohibition from changing the kick location, but enforcing the rule as a dead-ball foul (before the ball can be, officially, put in play). The AR, also uses the expression, " Interpretation...," but, IMHO, that language isn't necessary.

Offline Kalle

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-15 Championship Week
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2024, 12:09:58 PM »
From S-B answers:

1. S-B overlooks or ignores the option to decline the penalty and, effectively, treat the down as an incomplete pass. Although it would take some unusual circumstances for Team B to elect this option, those circumstances could certainly happen. Especially on 3rd or 4th down, and depending on time/score. But, I think the option should have been acknowledged by S-B.

The question states that team B accepts the penalty, so it is reasonable to only include that part as the answer, IMO.