Author Topic: Hawaii Bowl disconcerting signal call  (Read 311 times)

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Hawaii Bowl disconcerting signal call
« on: December 26, 2024, 02:46:44 PM »
Hawaii Bowl
2:48 (3)
What we see on the TV screen is the snapper make a snapping motion, but he doesn’t hand or pass the ball to anyone - he just pulls the ball back and sets it back on the ground. Meanwhile, Team B players jump into the NZ and start pointing at the offense, claiming false start. Officials stop the action, drop flags, and then group to discuss. Ultimately, they rule disconcerting signals on B8. In looking at replays, we see B8 slab his thigh pad, and the snapper immediately starts the snapping motion, and then aborts. A good call by the U and H, it appears.
The R uses signal S19, and announces disconcerting signals, along with, “…simulating the start of the play…” The correct signal is S21 (delay of game), and a more appropriate announcement would be, “Delay of Game, number 8, defense - using disconcerting signals to attempt to cause a false start. That’s a 5 yard penalty, and the distance penalty yields a first down.”