Football Officiating > War Stories
The whistle to beat all inadvertent whistles......
Ralph Damren:
It was a clear fall Saturday noon, 1970's. 2 crewmates and I were waiting for the arrival of our whitehat and wagonmaster (regrettably the same one in my post on"Bad officiating stories?") for a 45 minute drive to the 1:30 game. Wagonmaster arrived at 12:45 with the tardy excuse of "I was doing stuff >:(". We tried dressing in the car on the way to the game :( :o :!#. Finally arrived at the field at 1:40 for a 1:30 game :-X :P. The coaches had already had the coin toss yEs: and both teams were lined up for the kickoff yEs:.. We quickly assumed our positions :embarrassed: The >:( whitehat was now ready for the kickoff and sounded his whistle....... some of the band members were not ready for the kickoff and felt it was the band director's whistle :!# pray:; the ball was kicked, the Star Spangled Banner began..... some players stopped :patrioticon:...some continued pi1eOn....our white hat (who was grumpy on a good day) >:( crazy sounded his whistle again, and again, and again...... hEaDbAnG hEaDbAnG......looseball play = we replayed the down(kick)..... ^ was not an enjoyable day ::)....and the band played on......
Too funny!!!!,
Ralph Damren:
--- Quote from: Ralph Damren on October 09, 2014, 09:41:07 AM --- It was a clear fall Saturday noon, 1970's. 2 crewmates and I were waiting for the arrival of our whitehat and wagonmaster (regrettably the same one in my post on"Bad officiating stories?") for a 45 minute drive to the 1:30 game. Wagonmaster arrived at 12:45 with the tardy excuse of "I was doing stuff >:(". We tried dressing in the car on the way to the game :( :o :!#. Finally arrived at the field at 1:40 for a 1:30 game :-X :P. The coaches had already had the coin toss yEs: and both teams were lined up for the kickoff yEs:.. We quickly assumed our positions :embarrassed: The >:( whitehat was now ready for the kickoff and sounded his whistle....... some of the band members were not ready for the kickoff and felt it was the band director's whistle :!# pray:; the ball was kicked, the Star Spangled Banner began..... some players stopped :patrioticon:...some continued pi1eOn....our white hat (who was grumpy on a good day) >:( crazy sounded his whistle again, and again, and again...... hEaDbAnG hEaDbAnG......looseball play = we replayed the down(kick)..... ^ was not an enjoyable day ::)....and the band played on......
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Felt you guys might enjoy my story from yesteryear :) :) .As I recall ,the grumpy old white hat returned home to do 'some more stuff' while my two crewmates and I went to a local pub. Their TV was blurting a news bulletin : Nixon had just fired most of the Justice Dept. - "The Saturday Night Massacre". We then decided that our day wasn't that bad after all ….and ordered another beer 8].
--- Quote from: Ralph Damren on December 13, 2021, 01:44:42 PM ---Felt you guys might enjoy my story from yesteryear :) :) .As I recall ,the grumpy old white hat returned home to do 'some more stuff' while my two crewmates and I went to a local pub. Their TV was blurting a news bulletin : Nixon had just fired most of the Justice Dept. - "The Saturday Night Massacre". We then decided that our day wasn't that bad after all ….and ordered another beer 8].
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Thanks for the memories, 4 man crew, with a grumpy white hat, one more beer likely wouldn't have been near enough.
We are waiting for the National Anthem to be played.
White Hat growls “I told him to start it five minutes ago.”
I was standing two officials to his right, out of reach.
“Flag him, I dare you.”
He didn’t laugh
But we chuckled….
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