Football Officiating > War Stories
Water shower in the parking lot
Well, this is a first for me, had a very close varsity game end in an interception. Nothing very controversial was called or decided the game was just a very close-contested game. After the game was over as I was trying to get to my car and leave a mother of one of the players of the losing team approaches me and my roommate who was also an official in this game going on about us being paid by the other team and other nonsense like that. I politely told her to return to her car and that the game was over. She responded ever so nicely by saying "Why don't you F***ing make me" and then drenched me with the rest of her bottled water. All I could do was laugh and tell her she's setting a great example for her kid. People are nuts
That would get her a trip to the pokey had it been me with charges filed. That's assault and I would have called for security or 911.
Make sure a full report is made to your association, chapter and assigner.
It's a shame that as officials, we have to be the adults, because my first inclination would have been to assist her with ingesting that water bottle.
Did you get the player's number? Surely the mother could be identified as a result. She needs a visit from a representative of the law enforcement community.
What state are you in? Depending on where it is, she could be in some serious trouble.
A good reason why there should always be a security escort to your vehicle.
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