Football Officiating > Camps, Clinics and Training Videos
Mountain States Football Officials Camp 3-5 May 2024 Denver
Mountain States Football Officials Camp
3 May - 5 May 2024 Denver CO
The Mountain States Football Officials Camp is a 3-day, intensive environment designed and created for officials looking to advance in college football. This camp welcomes officials from high school varsity up through Division II. The MSFOC includes on-field games, in-depth training, positional breakouts, immersive crew meetings, classroom sessions, film breakdowns, and a camp social designed to recreate the expectations, rhythms, and intensity found at the collegiate level.
Participants will receive in-depth, immersive classroom training and work 1 semi-pro football game from the Championship Football League based in Colorado.
Our top 3 goals are for each and every camper to:
1: Get better
2: Have fun
3: Want to return next year
Each positional area will have a collegiate staff official assigned to it for breakouts and on-field feedback and each crew will be assigned a crew mentor that is a current college staff official. Additionally, each game will be filmed and graded by a college staff official utilizing the current grading rubric for on-field officials. At the conclusion of camp, all campers will receive access to the game film and the full grades for their respective crew.
Campers will sign-up at the position of their choice as a part of an 8-person crew, Replay, or as Classroom Only. Each on-field crew will be assigned to work 1 full, semi-pro contest on Saturday.
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