Football Officiating > General Discussion

Election Day trivia....

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Ralph Damren:
The founding Fathers had three things in mind when they said ".....shall be the Tuesday that follows the first Monday in November.." Who can name 'em  ??? ??? ???

Not sure about three, but 1) farmers needed time to travel to vote, after spending Sunday in church, and observing the Sabbath, and 2) farmers were between fall harvest and spring planting in November.

But, if I had the power to make it happen, we'd go back to hard copy ballots, and you vote on election day. That's it. No early voting. No mail-in. We know the next election is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of 2028. Mark it on your calendar. (It was already marked on my calendar for this year.) Make plans now to be available to vote, that day, in 2028. Yes, your vote is THAT important. All votes get counted beginning at 7pm Hawaii Standard Time. (Yes, special accommodations will be made for folks out of country in the service of their country.)
I can dream...

GA Umpire:

--- Quote from: Ralph Damren on November 05, 2024, 01:21:57 PM ---The founding Fathers had three things in mind when they said ".....shall be the Tuesday that follows the first Monday in November.." Who can name 'em  ??? ??? ???

--- End quote ---
And many people at that time celebrated "All Saints Day" on November 1st so the "founding fathers" did not want election day to occur on November 1st.

That seems like 3 good reasons.

GA Umpire:

--- Quote from: GA Umpire on November 05, 2024, 03:45:03 PM ---And many people at that time celebrated "All Saints Day" on November 1st so the "founding fathers" did not want election day to occur on November 1st.

--- End quote ---
Upon further review, the law to designate the Tuesday after the first Monday in November was passed in 1845, not before then.
Although the reasons stated earlier are all the reasons given for the date chosen.


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