Football Officiating > Texas Topics
2024 Playoffs - Week 6
Finalized for Championship week. Many, many thanks to all who reached out and contributed, publicly and behind the scenes, this would be impossible without you.
Congrats to all selected to work one more week!
The Tyler Chapter hasn’t had a State Championship game in 2 years, previously 20+ years in a row. Anyone explain the reason?
Did they HACK off some coaches? Welcome to how almost every smaller chapter feels, every year.
No change in terms of how games are assigned, until chapters/TASO grow a backbone and put structure and order around the process, it's a complete crapshoot subject to the whims of coaches (and however good people can cozy up to a coach under the table... don't think for a second that it does not happen, I've witnessed it. That is invariably what you get when you adopt a system that invites and rewards solicitation, regardless of what the organization's 'solicitation policy' says.)
(Just to be clear: I am unequivocally NOT saying that Tyler has done anything below board, just that no one should be shocked if it were ever to come to light, by ANY chapter.)
Yeah I wish there was a more fair way for championship games to be assigned. Out of 692 games 4 chapters got 1 or less. I know someone of these chapters have gone years without any playoff games. I doubt they can't put together 5-7 good officials or a decent game. Some chapters are screwed geographically which they can control but no one seems to be trying to help fix the problem from what I can see.
I would like to see more inclusion with these games maybe a bit of a rotation like once a chapter gets a certain championship game they can't do that level for a few years ( chapter xyz does 4 d 2 then they are blocked from that for a period of time) give more chapters the opportunity.
We're really talking about two different things here: how championship games are assigned, and how playoff games are assigned. They need to have different processes.
There's lots of 'more fair ways' to improve both, that TASO could work towards, but from what I have seen and the conversations I have had, the bigger chapters prefer things as they are, as it seems to benefit them much more.
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