Football Officiating > Texas Topics

HCT in championship game today

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This was flagged as a HCT today... thoughts on it? Thanks to TXMike for creating the youtube video of it.

Cowtown Ref:
I would have stayed off that penalty

IMO he wasnt "abruptly" pulled down.  I know its not in the rule anywhere but the ball carrier was still able to go forward.  He wasnt pulled back or taken straight down.

However, I do think this call would be supported by an evaluator

No foul

dammitbobby, when you successfully got the word "abrupt" added to the rule book, was this what you had in mind? 


--- Quote from: JasonTX on December 19, 2024, 03:19:21 PM ---dammitbobby, when you successfully got the word "abrupt" added to the rule book, was this what you had in mind?

--- End quote ---

No - the reason I suggested the change was due to a situation where the defender 'rode' him for a while, then yanked him down and buckled him. I got talked off of the foul by the B (I was wing) because he didn't pull him down immediately upon engaging.

I do not think this (clip) is a foul; even though he grasps the nameplate area, he doesn't pull him backwards and buckle his knees; he actually falls forward, like a normal tackle, with the only difference being the location of the tackler's hands. I think if would be the same result if he had his hands outside the nameplate area on the sides, or grasped him anywhere else, really. The point of it being a foul is that it causes a dangerous condition for the runner; I don't think this action puts the runner's legs or knees in danger of injury.*

*No danger of injury from a HCT perspective, but do I think this is a good example of a hip drop tackle, which is prohibited in the NFL, where the defender uses freehanging bodyweight to bring the runner down. So while this tackle IMO has a higher chance of injury, it's not related to the HCT aspect of grasping him in the nameplate area.


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