Football Officiating > National Federation Discussion
Legal Hideout?
Do you have a non-twitter link for that?
Ralph Damren:
YES !!
IP if you're in the Christmas mood, USC on head coach if you're not. ]
--- Quote from: ncwingman on December 19, 2024, 09:29:40 AM ---Do you have a non-twitter link for that?
--- End quote ---
Don't have a link but I'll try to describe the play situation for you.
1/10 at A-40. Team A huddles with 10 players. All 10 players then line up in a bunch formation and stop for a full second. After this A81 runs in from his team area and stops right inside the 9 yard markers. Team A stops for one second and the ball is snapped. QB throws a legal forward pass to the uncovered A81 who runs for a long gain.
Ralph Damren:
IMHO, it appeared to be planned. An IP ^flag would have previous spot enforcement as it occurred at the snap. If you deamed itto be planned, you could ^flag USC on the head coach, apply 9-9-1 (unfair act) shut the play down , enforce from previous spot and reset the game clock for any time that may have run off during the play.
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