Football Officiating > General Discussion

The shortest day of the year.....

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Ralph Damren:
Today, December 21st, is labeled as the shortest day of the year as the Winter Solstice. While it has the shortest length of sunlight, it isn't the shortest day....WHAT IS  ??? ???


--- Quote from: Ralph Damren on December 21, 2024, 06:44:52 AM ---Today, December 21st, is labeled as the shortest day of the year as the Winter Solstice. While it has the shortest length of sunlight, it isn't the shortest day....WHAT IS  ??? ???

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I give you two answers which can both be considered correct - at least in Finland :) September 19th and March 30th.


--- Quote from: Ralph Damren on December 21, 2024, 06:44:52 AM ---Today, December 21st, is labeled as the shortest day of the year as the Winter Solstice. While it has the shortest length of sunlight, it isn't the shortest day....WHAT IS  ??? ???

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I believe they all have 24 hours....

DST when we spring forward the day is only 23 hours...

Ralph Damren:

--- Quote from: Tom.OH on December 21, 2024, 08:22:50 AM ---DST when we spring forward the day is only 23 hours...

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OhioTom wins  aWaRd. The 2nd Sunday in March springs forward from 2 AM to 3 AM, thus only 23 hours. Conversely , the first Sunday in November is the longest as DST > EST = 25 hours for longest day. Kalle's Finish clock is probably correct, too but would botjh days be only 23 hours  ??? ???


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