Football Officiating > National Federation Discussion

Result of The Play?

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1st and goal at the B-7 yard line.  A12 throws a short pass toward A85 who is 5 yards deep team B’s endzone.  A85 is still inside the endzone but heading back toward the ball where he jumps high in the air trying to catch the pass.  The ball crosses the goal line, where 1 yard deep in the EZ. A85 catches the ball while still airborne.  A-85 lands with his foot first touching the ground in the field of play at the B-1 yd line where he is immediately tackled and is on the ground in possession of the ball at the B-3 yard line.

What do we have?

Ralph Damren:
Ya' can't have possession until ya' return to our planet. The location of his feet aren't important, if the possessed ball was still breaking the goal line plane = ^TD

I think you’re asking if this is a TD due to forward progress in the EZ.  If so, the answer is “No”.

why not a TD ?

Think of it this way: If it were a sideline, instead of the goal line, would this be a catch?

No, it wouldn't.   The same concept applies to catch/possession in the EZ - it has to be established prior to any progress being granted. You can't have a valid catch or possession since while he's in the air, possession/catch isn't finalized until he returns to Earth, and where he hits the planet (IB/OOB) determines catch/possession.


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