Football Officiating > National Federation Discussion

Clock will start on the ____________?

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4/10 from K30. K punts and it is fielded and R12 is tackled at the 50. But,  ^flag.  Illegal shift on K. White hat asks coach and coach says, "Back them up and replay."

Does the clock start on the snap or wind?

On the snap. There was a legal kick during the down.


--- Quote from: ilyazhito on January 19, 2025, 10:38:34 PM ---On the snap. There was a legal kick during the down.

--- End quote ---

That aligns with NCAA, and the reason is because of the wholesale substitutions that are made for kick downs. This is a legitimate ‘break’ in the action that both teams should be able to utilize to change personnel. To have the game clock running during this time (even if stopped briefly) would rob both teams of valuable game time.
Ooops. I shouldn’t have said that. Just let TV find out a way to burn more game time and they’ll insist on having the clock start when the ball is spotted. Or never stop to begin with.


--- Quote from: ilyazhito on January 19, 2025, 10:38:34 PM ---On the snap. There was a legal kick during the down.

--- End quote ---

If R is awarded a new series, which they weren't. Is there another rule to cite for the snap?


--- Quote from: ElvisLives on January 20, 2025, 07:25:11 AM ---Just let TV find out a way to burn more game time and they’ll insist on having the clock start when the ball is spotted.

--- End quote ---

Which is what we used to do prior to the 1996 timing changes, if the play ended inbounds.  It’s the #2 reason my average game time has jumped from 1:45 to 2:30 (more incomplete passes is #1).


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