Football Officiating > National Federation Discussion

When in doubt, philosophies for High School Football

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Is it Sept. yet? While discussing in our Movie Night last week (yes, what a concept. Get to get out of the house, watch football videos for an hour and a half, Thank You Mr. Summertime for the Aloha films, and oh yea go out for a couple of root beers afterwards) we had a long discussion on targetting a defenseless player. The words, when in doubt came up and philosophies. I am not aware of either of these listed in the rule book or anywhere else. In NCAA, there is a section of the rule book for when in doubt and on several of the NCAA Conference web sites, you can find their philophies which are pretty similar. Anyone know of such a thing for high school football and if not, can we make one up?

Atlanta Blue:
From the NFHS Official's Manual:

• Incomplete pass or fumble ............incomplete pass
• Accidental or intentional ......................accidental
   a. Contact
   b. Touching
   c. Kicking
• Forward or backward pass ......................forward
• Kick or pass touched or not...........................not
• Catch or catch
• Passer has thrown or fumbled ..............has thrown
• Legal block or clip
• Touchback or safety ...........................touchback
• Block above or below the waist ...................above
• Fumble or dead ball ...............................dead ball
• 5-15 Face Mask.............................................15
• 5-15 Kicker/Holder .........................................15

Reddings NFHS Guide has a 1 1/2 page appendix for When In Doubt.


--- Quote from: Atlanta Blue on February 01, 2011, 04:13:05 PM ---From the NFHS Official's Manual:

• Incomplete pass or fumble ............incomplete pass
• Accidental or intentional ......................accidental
   a. Contact
   b. Touching
   c. Kicking
• Forward or backward pass ......................forward
• Kick or pass touched or not...........................not
• Catch or catch
• Passer has thrown or fumbled ..............has thrown
• Legal block or clip
• Touchback or safety ...........................touchback
• Block above or below the waist ...................above
• Fumble or dead ball ...............................dead ball
• 5-15 Face Mask.............................................15
• 5-15 Kicker/Holder .........................................15

--- End quote ---
I review these in every pregame.

When the runner starts behind his own GL and attempts to get out of the end zone, and there is doubt about whether he got the ball out or not -- YES he did get out.

Legal formation with 7 lineman or not -- Make them LEGAL


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