Got to this one pretty quickly. Check me. I probably screwed up somewhere.
2024 Quiz 9
1. 4/10 @ B-25. During the first possession series of the first extra period, A98’s field goal attempt is blocked and does not cross the neutral zone. A88 recovers the ball at the B-28 and runs for a touchdown.
A, try, B-3, no clock (40 and running).
A88’s recovery and advance of the live ball is legal, and results in a 6-point touchdown for Team A, with a ‘normal’ try to follow.
2. 3/1 @ B-6. During the first possession series of the first extra period, the offense did not score. In the second possession series, Team A lines up to try a short field goal on 3rd down. The attempt is blocked and does not cross the neutral zone. A23 recovers the ball at the B-10 and is tackled at the B-7.
A, 4/2, B-7, no clock (25).
Team A’s down series is not broken, since the legal scrimmage kick failed to cross the neutral zone. Next down. However, the play clock is set to 25-seconds and will start on the referee’s signal, due to the preceding legal kick down.
3. 4/20 @ B-35. During the first possession series of the first extra period, the offense goes for it on 4th down. A12 completes a pass to A88 at the B-20 where he is legally hit and knocked out of bounds. B54 crosses the boundary, and hits A88 clearly after the play is over.
B, 1/10, B-40, no clock (25).
Team A’s possession series is ended when they fail to make the line to gain, and Team B is immediately awarded a possession series. B54’s UNR for a late hit is a dead-ball foul between series, and is penalized before the line-to-gain is established.
4. 3/5 @ B-30. It is late in the half and both teams have all their timeouts remaining. With Team A at the line and ready to snap the ball, the Team A head coach requests a timeout, and the timeout is granted. After the timeout, both teams are in formation and the ball is ready for play. Just before the play clock hits 0, the Team A head coach requests a timeout.
3/5 3/10, B-35, no clock (25).
The request for a second consecutive T/O by the Team A head coach is denied, and Team A commits a delay game foul when the play clock expires.
5. 2/5 @ B-20. Late in the 4th quarter with the score tied and the game clock running, B77 is in the neutral zone at the snap, but does not make contact. QB A12 rolls out to pass, runs to the B-17 and throws a forward pass, which falls incomplete. The game clock is stopped with 15 seconds remaining.
2/5, B-20, 0:15 (4), snap (25).
B77 commits a foul for offside, and A12 commits a foul for an illegal forward pass (thrown from beyond the NZ). Because of the offsetting fouls, the 10-second subtraction is not available, and the game clock follows normal procedure, and will start on the snap (due to the incomplete pass).
6. 4/7 @ A-45. A98 punts and the kick is partially blocked and goes out of bounds at the A-46. At the snap, Team A has five players in the backfield.
A, 4/12, A-40, snap (25), OR (more likely), B, 1/10, A-46 , snap (25).
Team A commits an illegal formation foul. If Team B accepts the penalty, the 5-yard penalty is enforced at the previous spot, and the down is repeated. If Team B declines the penalty, Team B will is awarded a scrimmage down series at the dead-ball spot (which they will most likely elect to do). In either case, the play clock is set to 25-seconds and starts on the referee’s signal, and the game clock starts on the snap.
7. 4/6 @ A-24. Team A is in scrimmage kick formation and punts. B50 is lined up inside the frame of the snapper and is within one yard of the line of scrimmage. The punt rolls out of bounds at the B-40.
B, 1/10, B-40, snap (25) OR (more likely) 4/1, A-29, snap (25).
Team B commits an illegal formation foul. If Team A declines the penalty, Team B will is awarded a scrimmage down series at the dead-ball spot. If Team A accepts the penalty, the 5-yard penalty is enforced at the previous spot, and the down is repeated (which they will most likely elect to do). In either case, the play clock is set to 25-seconds and starts on the referee’s signal, and the game clock starts on the snap.
8. 3/10 @ B-40. Early in the 2nd quarter, Team A has all 3 timeouts remaining. A12 throws a legal forward pass to A88 but the pass is ruled incomplete at the B-31. The Team A head coach calls timeout to challenge the ruling on the field of an incomplete pass. Replay overturns the ruling on the field to a catch at the B-31. After the ball is ready at the B-31, Team A breaks the huddle late in the play clock, and the Team A head coach attempts to call a timeout just before the play clock displays zero.
A, 4/6, B-36, snap (25).
The replay ruling places the ball at the B-31, for fourth down. Team A retains their challenge AND their time out. However, the rule regarding consecutive times-out applies to this situation, and the second request for a time out by Team A is denied. When the play clock expires, Team A has committed a foul for delay of game. The penalty takes the ball to the B-36, and a new 25-second play clock count is started on the referee’s signal.
Since the replay review occurred with 2:00 or more remaining in the 2nd period, the game clock remains status quo per the initial ruling on the field. In this case, the game clock will start on the snap (due to the incomplete pass ruling, even though that ruling was changed by replay).
(This is AR 3-3-4-II, but that AR does not specifically address the clocks for the next down.)