This morning in Bangor,Maine it was 17 below the donut....
This morning the windchill (sorta' like the point spread) was 35 below the donut......
This morning my wife ran back in yelling: "My tires are flat!!".......
This morning I went out, came back and reported : "Not flat, only soft"........
Once back in and with a hot cup of coffee, a recalled a fable......
There once was a wholesome, all-American, nice quarterback who was playing on the frozen tundra..
The footballs were soft/flat but he still beat the Indy Little Horses 45-7.......
An evil commish said he couldn't play next year for a month.......
A very smart judge told the evil commish that he couldn't say he couldn't play......
And played happily thereafter (until he went to Denver)......
The Red Sox Equipment truck is said to be in Georgia....