Author Topic: Runner missing first base  (Read 2420 times)

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Offline Covid 22

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Runner missing first base
« on: April 25, 2023, 04:06:27 PM »
NFHSS rules.   On a wide throw to first, the 1st baseman leaves the bag to catch the ball.   The umpire signals safe.  As the runner is casually returning to the base, someone in the stands yells :He missed 1st base."  The 1st baseman still holding the ball, steps on the base.   The umpire rules that it was not a timely appeal and the safe call stands.   My son is one of the coaches and an acquaintance is the umpire.  My son who attended one of the MLB officials camp several years ago says the ball is still alive and an out should have been recorded.   The umpire says in NFHSS there has to be an immediate appeal that only pertains to a play at first base.  If an appeal is not made within a 3 - 5 seconds, it is considered not immediate.   

The umpire says that this is an exact scenario that they cover in chapter meetings (TASO) every year.   

What is the correct call?

Offline Ralph Damren

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Re: Runner missing first base
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2023, 07:37:13 AM »
NFHS 8-2-6 covers appeals and explains an appeal can be made verbally even after the ball becomes dead. Simular to a force play, the batter-runner has to reach first base. While he is permitted to overrun first base and return, touching the base while possessing the ball is an out if he ininitially missed missed it. Consider a force play at second, where a sliding runner misses while sliding by the bag, all the fielder would need to do is touch the bag.


Offline bama_stripes

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Re: Runner missing first base
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2023, 08:10:51 AM »
Once a runner passes a base, he is deemed to have reached it, even if he fails to touch it.  He is liable to be put out upon appeal, but the appeal must be unmistakable. (NFHS no longer has an “accidental appeal” rule)

In this case, F3 would have to verbally appeal while stepping on the base.