Author Topic: A more fair OT......  (Read 3214 times)

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Offline Ralph Damren

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A more fair OT......
« on: March 31, 2022, 05:53:13 AM »
For years the NFL OT rule seemed to be lacking. It brought back memories from my daze of youth (1950's) when HS basketball's second OT was the first team to score 2 points won  :!#. If you won the jump ball, you had a very good chance of winning  aWaRd. In the NFL, if you won the coin toss (not as physical as winning the jump ball) your chances of winning greatly improved. Just think back to the Pats/Falcons Super Bowl, the Pats won the toss, and many at our party yelled: "THAT'S IT, BRADY WILL TAKE 'UM IN..WE WIN aWaRd !"

opinions: good change...could it have been better??

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Offline Kalle

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Re: A more fair OT......
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2022, 01:34:29 PM »
Well, in the current offense-oriented NFL, this just moves the inevitable forward a bit. Team A scores a TD, team B scores a TD, team A scores and wins. I still prefer the NCAA extra periods (which in NFL probably should start from about the midfield, to be fair).

Offline dammitbobby

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Re: A more fair OT......
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2022, 08:38:19 PM »
I'd like to see it more like sudden death in soccer:  starting at the 30, kickers match up, if one makes and one misses, game over. If they both make it, they both go back 5 yards and kick again.  If both miss, they stay at yard line until one misses, or both make it, and we move back 5 and repeat.

Offline Kalle

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Re: A more fair OT......
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2022, 04:04:22 AM »
I'd like to see it more like sudden death in soccer:  starting at the 30, kickers match up, if one makes and one misses, game over. If they both make it, they both go back 5 yards and kick again.  If both miss, they stay at yard line until one misses, or both make it, and we move back 5 and repeat.

That is actually a great idea! Maybe have this incorporated in the previous OT rules, ie. start with a normal kickoff, first team A can attempt to score, then guarantee team B with an opportunity. If still tied start the field goal competition. This would keep the overall game length at a relatively decent length.