Author Topic: Please Remember and Thank Those that Died In Service Of This Country  (Read 1783 times)

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Offline ElvisLives

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Far too many young men and women have had their lives cut short in service to this country. Let us all now make certain that it wasn't in vain. Give thanks to those that have made the sacrifice so that the living have personal freedom and liberty. And let's support those that knowingly and willingly offer their lives as the currency of freedom. Let's spend that currency wisely, and with gratitude.
Having never served in the military, I am not worthy of offering a literal salute to our fallen defenders, or to the brave souls who have now assumed the role of defending all of us. But, I can take off my hat to them. I can raise the flag to them. And I can pray for them.
I hope you will join me.
 tiphat: FlAg1 pray:;

Robert Cameron
Lubbock, Texas

Proud and grateful American

Offline GA Umpire

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Far too many young men and women have had their lives cut short in service to this country. Let us all now make certain that it wasn't in vain. Give thanks to those that have made the sacrifice so that the living have personal freedom and liberty. And let's support those that knowingly and willingly offer their lives as the currency of freedom. Let's spend that currency wisely, and with gratitude.
Having never served in the military, I am not worthy of offering a literal salute to our fallen defenders, or to the brave souls who have now assumed the role of defending all of us. But, I can take off my hat to them. I can raise the flag to them. And I can pray for them.
I hope you will join me.
 tiphat: FlAg1 pray:;

Robert Cameron
Lubbock, Texas

Proud and grateful American

Amen!     :patrioticon:

Online Ralph Damren

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I never served ,but I honor and respect those that did...

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