Football Officiating > NCAA Discussion
Bored - Question of the day
Try, B-3.
Team A assumes the following formation (x = ball):
89 71 61 55 60 72 80
10 30
A80 has adjusted the ball and all players have stopped and paused for one dull second when Team A shifts into the following formation:
89 71 61 55 60 72 80
10 30
If no pre-snap issues, the ball is snapped and A40 successfully kicks a field goal.
From the diagram, it appears that A80 is the original snapper and has addressed and adjusted the ball but then shifts to the end of the line and A55 becomes the snapper. Once that occurs it would be a FS for A80 to move to another position.
Outside of that, the original formation has no numbering exceptions that are in eligible position in the final formation, so its a legal formation.
Yep, the illegal position change by A80 is what I was looking for. That's a dead-ball foul, so we'd sound our whistles and interrupt the play clock. This foul is listed in the rules under False Start (and I'd write it up as such). But, personally, I'd announce it as, "Illegal position change, number 80, offense; number 80 established himself as the snapper, and then moved to another position. By rule, once the snapper is established, he may not move to another position. That's a 5-yard penalty, and the Try will continue."
I've had that exactly once in my career, on a swinging gate like that. Nailed it.
As a non-NCAA guy, I’m curious as to what problem this rule is intended to solve.
--- Quote from: bama_stripes on December 19, 2024, 08:32:01 AM ---As a non-NCAA guy, I’m curious as to what problem this rule is intended to solve.
--- End quote ---
It's the same in NFHS. It's the same as an interior linemen getting in a 3 point stance and shifting to another position. A80 touching the ball is essentially the same as a 3 point stance, but they just treat the snapper like an interior lineman regardless if he's on the end of the line or not.
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