Football Officiating > NCAA Discussion
Game Above Sports Bowl
Game Above Sports Bowl
10:08 (2)
Pittsburgh ball carrier is advancing when a defensive player wraps his arm around the helmet of the BC, and incidentally pulls the helmet off of the BC. The defensive player did not appear to grasp the facemask or any helmet opening in this process.
Incorrect call, IMHO.
I’m assuming they called facemask?
Yes, they did.
--- Quote from: ElvisLives on December 26, 2024, 02:17:36 PM ---Game Above Sports Bowl
10:08 (2)
Pittsburgh ball carrier is advancing when a defensive player wraps his arm around the helmet of the BC, and incidentally pulls the helmet off of the BC. The defensive player did not appear to grasp the facemask or any helmet opening in this process.
Incorrect call, IMHO.
--- End quote ---
Doesn'''t Grasping the Facemask include the Facemask & "Helmet opening", whish would clearly have to include removing a helmet completely,
Al, all the defender did was cradle the BC’s entire head between his forearm and his upper arm. At no time did the defender grasp any helmet opening, or any part of the facemask or chin strap. The loosely fit helmet simply slipped right off the BC’s head. This was NOT a facemask foul, as defined. The helmet coming off the BC was a helmet-off violation, and the only thing that should have happened was sending the BC off for a down, unless his team took a team time-out.
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