Football Officiating > NCAA Discussion
Onside Kick (LSU - NC)
Any issues here?
if A is not allowed to block until they can leagally recover/touch the ball how is the hit legal? I dont think the B player touched the ball prior to being hit.
Also, in the moment of the kick it is possible that there are only 3 players in the left side.
Replay clearly shows A's contact before B touches the ball and the ball and both players are still within the 10 yard zone. Can replay actually "fix" this one? Replay provides for "touching of a kick", but how about this play? It doesn't seem to qualify for replay, and since it's obvious there's a foul here, maybe that's why it wasn't reversed?
Is replay allowed to reverse the illegal formation non-call? That was Steve Shaw's crew, correct? He's got the formation. Unusual that UNC kicked to LSU's sideline - normally teams will do this stuff to their own sideline.
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