Football Officiating > NCAA Discussion

wedge, when flag?

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when ball kicks and receive team are on wedge with tree players, shoulder to shoulder, the ball finish in the end zone (so touchback), no player touch it. is it useful to flag? for delcine after?

This is not a foul so there's no reason to throw a flag (see the NCAA play situations bulletin 1/2010). I think you have to hold your flag until there is a return in the field of play when you see an illegal wedge formation during the kick or while the runner is still in the end zone.

thanks for answer, and if ball finish out of bounds? there's flag for this foul (oob) so we must to put on for illegal wedge to? for decline these fouls (because two live ball fouls).

There's (currently) no ruling on a free kick out of bounds, so we would have offsetting fouls (if the ball was untouched by team B), rekick.

Atlanta Blue:

--- Quote from: Kalle on September 06, 2010, 05:59:38 AM ---There's (currently) no ruling on a free kick out of bounds, so we would have offsetting fouls (if the ball was untouched by team B), rekick.

--- End quote ---

I'm not disagreeing, but this makes NO sense what so ever.  If a wedge is not a foul on a touchback because there is no return, then why is it a foul on a kick out of bounds? 


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