Football Officiating > NCAA Discussion
"PSK" Foul and Illegal Touch (Guyer - Cedar Hill)
Gonna take some time until I can get this clip up, but here is the play.
4th and 24 at the A-38. Punt comes down at the B-32 and hits Team A player's helmet. (Team B player was at the B-30 preparing to catch but let's ignore that part for now) Ball bounces forward to the end zone where it hits, untouched by Team B. There is a flag at the B-38 for holding by B during the kick. What next?
Result of the play is a touchback, therefore the PSK spot is the B-20. We have a team B holding foul beyond the basic spot so it is enforced from the basic spot, team A will accept the penalty, therefore B 1/10 B-10. If team A declines the penalty, team B will elect the spot if illegal touching, B 1/10 B-32. 2-25-11-b, 6-3-9, 6-3-2-a, 6-3-2-b, 10-2-3, 10-2-2-d-4-b, 10-2-2-c-2
Assuming KCI was also called, then team B will likely accept offsetting fouls and make team A re-kick from the A-38
Getting Fat:
I believe the result of the play is illegal touching by A @ B32. After holding, B 1/10 @ B22.
As has been well articulated above, an accepted penalty wipes out the illegal touch provision so you can't enforce from the 32.
Getting Fat:
Thanks TxMike and Hawkeye, but that brings up another question - a hypothetical which we all love:
What would be the result if after the illegal touching (wiped out by B's holding penalty at the B-38), B muffs the ball and it is recovered by A? Let's say A recovers at the 20 after B muffed at the 30.
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