Football Officiating > NCAA Discussion
Frank in FL:
Not really about rules, but damn, those VT and Boise State uniforms were flat a-- ugly, shoes included. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but this Nike "skin" thing is getting old fast. TCU uniforms were also butt ugly. Saw an article of who else is going to use them this year for a few games. Florida was one whose uniforms will reportedly look like gator skin. The way they played Saturday, maybe they ought to rethink it. Hopefully, Michigan, Notre Dame, and Penn State will resist the temptation. I know ND isn't Nike, but don't know about the other two.
My sentiments exactly... I saw the VT jersey at Dicks Sporting Goods earlier in the week. Surprisingly it was worse up close. My wife made a great comment... even though they both were bad the ugliest rightfully lost.
I actually thought they were pretty sharp. But then again, I'm probably only old fashioned when it comes to Bama's uniforms. (which should never EVER change)
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