Author Topic: S-B Quiz 2024-14  (Read 991 times)

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Offline ElvisLives

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S-B Quiz 2024-14
« on: November 29, 2024, 11:58:16 AM »
These are a bit deeper questions. Hope I go 'em right (I think so).

1. 3/10 @ B-20. A88 catches a pass at the B-5 and is down there. The clock displays 0:00 just before the play ends. Team A then commits 4 distinct and separate Unsportsmanlike Conduct fouls as teams are heading off the field. Team A is set to kick off the second half.
The half is over, and the halftime intermission begins.
Following halftime: A, kickoff (to begin the 3rd period), A-8 ¾, free kick timing, 25. Following this kickoff down, the remaining penalties will be enforced at the succeeding spot for the succeeding down following the kickoff.

Correction: Following halftime: A, kickoff, (to begin the 3rd period), A-5, free kick timing (25).
The first three of the four penalties will be enforced (starting) at the succeeding spot. 15-yard penalty #1 takes the ball to the A-20. Penalty #2 takes the ball 1/2 the distance to the A-10. Penalty #3 takes the ball 1/2 the distance to the A-5. The remaining penalty will be enforced at the succeeding spot for the succeeding down following that will follow the kickoff.

By rule, penalties may not place either team’s restraining line less than 5 yards from their goal line. Penalties that are unenforceable on the free kick down will be enforced on the next down. (Note: Never had it, never seen it, personally. But, a ‘nearly’ example is on this week’s Shaw video. Should have watched it first, I guess. 😊)

2. 3/10 @ B-20. A88 catches a pass at the B-5 and is down there. The clock displays 0:00 just before the play ends. Team A then commits 4 distinct and separate Unsportsmanlike Conduct fouls as teams are heading off the field. B21 reacts and retaliates by shoving A88 to the ground. Team A is set to kick off the second half.
The half is over, and the halftime intermission begins.
Following halftime: A, kickoff (to begin the 3rd period), A-35, free kick timing (25).

When dead-ball UNS/UNR fouls by both teams are reported before the penalty for any one of them is completed, the penalties offset, and the down type/number is what it would have been if the fouls had not occurred. (Note: A single foul by one team that offsets multiple fouls by the opponent may not seem equitable, but that is the rule.)

3. 3/1 @ B-30. Team A is in a no-huddle offense and is moving to the line when the ball is made ready for play. Although some players settle into their positions and stop, at least one player never stops and is still moving when the ball is snapped. A12 takes the snap and gains 2 yards.
A, 3/6, B-35, clock status quo (25).

This is an illegal shift that converts to a dead-ball false start. When the ball begins to move for the potential snap, the game officials should sound their whistles, stop all action, and complete the penalty for the dead-ball foul.

4. 4/10 @ A-5. A98’s punt from behind its own goal line strikes a Team B player at the A-15 and rebounds back across Team A’s goal line. A32 recovers two yards deep in the end zone, and dives back into the field of play and is down at the A-2.
A, free kick, A-20, free kick timing (25).

The simple touching of the legally scrimmage kicked ball by Team B does not impart impetus on the ball, which remains with Team A’s kicking of the ball. However, the touching does cause the ball to have, officially, crossed the neutral zone, which prohibits Team A from touching the ball, and causes the ball to become dead when possessed by any player of Team A. A32’s possession of the kicked ball causes the ball to become dead in Team A’s end zone, and the impetus is from the kick, which results in a safety – 2 points for Team B. The next down is a free kick by Team A from their 20 yard line.

5. Free Kick @ A-35. B21 commits a personal foul after the untouched kick goes out of bounds at the B-10.
A, free kick, A-45, free kick timing (25) - OR - B, 1/10, B-15, snap (25)

Team B may accept the 5-yard penalty for the live-ball free kick out of bounds foul at the previous spot, and then the 15-yard penalty for B21's dead-ball UNR would be enforced, taking the ball to the A-45, for a re-kick. OR Team B could accept the option to take the ball 30-yards beyond Team A's restraining line, where the 15-yard penalty for B21's dead-ball UNR would be enforced, taking the ball to the B-15, where Team B would put the ball in play for a scrimmage series, 1/10.
There is a third option for Team B to accept the 5-yard penalty for the KOB at the spot where the ball went OB (then their dead-ball UNR would be enforced), but they ain't gonna do that, under any circumstance. 

6. 4/5 @ B-30. A98’s untouched, field goal attempt sails wide left of the upright. B21 holds A88 at the 20-yard line during the kick.
B, 1/10, B-15, snap (25).

Because this is an unsuccessful field goal attempt, untouched by Team B beyond the neutral zone, and Team B will next snap the ball, post-scrimmage kick enforcement rules DO apply. Because the ball became dead beyond the B-20, the end of the kick is, by rule, the B-20; thus, the 10-yard penalty for the holding foul is enforced at the B-20 (which is, coincidentally, also the spot of the foul), taking the ball to the B-10, where Team B will be awarded a scrimmage series, 1/10. 

7. 4/8 @ A-48. From a scrimmage kick formation, A98 punts the ball to the B-7 where it hits B25 on the leg. As the ball rolls along the ground, B25 then kicks it at the B-4 to prevent Team A from recovering. The ball bounces into Team B’s end zone and over the end line.
Safety, 2-points for Team A, with B, free kick, B-20, free kick timing (25) – OR – B, 1/10, B-2, snap (25).

B25’s kicking of the ball provides the impetus on the ball that causes it to be come dead behind B’s goal line, resulting in a safety, as the natural result of the down; thus, if Team A declines the penalty for foul for illegally kicking the ball, the next down will be B’s free kick at the B-20.  However, Team A may elect to accept the penalty for B25’s post-scrimmage kick foul for illegally kicking the ball, which would be enforced per 3 & 1, with the B-20 as the Basic Spot. The 10-yard penalty would be enforced ½  distance to the goal from the spot of the foul (B-4), taking the ball to the B-2, where Team B would be awarded a scrimmage series, 1/10. (Team A might elect this option to take a chance on improved field position in order to possibly score a field goal or touchdown, depending on time/score).

8. 3/15 @ B-45. QB A12 drops back and looks downfield for A88 who is the primary receiver and defender B21 is holding A88 at the B-35. A12 throws a forward pass to his checkdown receiver A44 but the ball falls incomplete at the B-46.
A, 1/10, B-35, snap (25).

The penalty for all defensive holding fouls whether, they occur during a passing play, a running play, or a kick play, includes a first down, in addition to the 10-yard distance penalty. The enforcement spot for this penalty is the previous spot, since the foul occurred during a legal forward pass play, even though the legally passed ball did not cross the neutral zone. (Note: The description says that A12 throws the ball to A44, which we must interpret as meaning that A44 was in the area where the pass was thrown. But, in real life, we’d need to verify that the pass was not a foul for intentional grounding.)

« Last Edit: November 30, 2024, 09:13:05 AM by ElvisLives »

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-14
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2024, 02:35:03 PM »
Well, for those of you that may have read my answers before now, I confess and admit that I am a moron.

Question 1 - Very mysteriously, I went 1/2 the distance to the goal FROM THE 35! Then another 1/2 the distance, to get to where I placed the ball. I think dementia is setting in. Anyway, the correct enforcement is, for foul #1, a full 15 yards from the succeeding spot (A-35), to the A-20. Then, for foul #2, 1/2 the distance to the A-10. Then, for foul #3, 1/2 the distance to the A-5. That is as far as we can go on this down. Foul #4 will be enforced at the next succeeding spot.

I will fix my answers, but for your amusement, I will leave the original answer. When you stop laughing, then move on to the corrected answer. Geez. What was going on in my pea brain?

Offline Kalle

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-14
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2024, 03:52:41 AM »
Just two typos to correct.

1. 3/10 @ B-20. A88 catches a pass at the B-5 and is down there. The clock displays 0:00 just before the play ends. Team A then commits 4 distinct and separate Unsportsmanlike Conduct fouls as teams are heading off the field. Team A is set to kick off the second half.
The half is over, and the halftime intermission begins.
Following halftime: A, kickoff (to begin the 3rd period), A-8 ¾, free kick timing, 25. Following this kickoff down, the remaining penalties will be enforced at the succeeding spot for the succeeding down following the kickoff.

Correction: Following halftime: A, kickoff, (to begin the 3rd period), A-5, free kick timing (25).
The first three of the four penalties will be enforced (starting) at the succeeding spot. 15-yard penalty #1 takes the ball to the A-20. Penalty #2 takes the ball 1/2 the distance to the A-10. Penalty #3 takes the ball 1/2 the distance to the B-5. The remaining penalty will be enforced at the succeeding spot for the succeeding down following that will follow the kickoff.

Penalty #3 takes the ball to A-5, not B-5, obviously.

6. 4/5 @ B-30. A98’s untouched, field goal attempt sails wide left of the upright. B21 holds A88 at the 20-yard line during the kick.
A, 1/10, B-15, snap (25).

Should be B, 1/10, B-10, snap (25).

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-14
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2024, 09:08:41 AM »
Thank you, Kalle. Small, but critically important details. I will fix those ASAP.

Be safe, my friend.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-14
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2024, 10:42:56 AM »
Some things I messed up:

I said the "penalties offset," and that is not correct. The penalties "cancel." I'm surprised no one called me out on that, as much of a stickler for technical accuracy as I am.

I said that the touching by Team B at the B-15 meant that the ball had officially crossed the neutral zone (totally correct), but then I said it prohibited Team A from touching the ball, which is TOTALLY INCORRECT. However, possession by Team A would cause the ball to become dead, and, since the ball was in A's end zone, and the impetus was still from A98's punt, the result of the down is a safety. So, I got the result right, but I gave bad information about Team A touching of the ball following Team B touching beyond the NZ. Very sorry.

Oh boy. How do I screw these things up?
I said that, "...Team B could accept the option to take the ball 30-yards beyond Team A's restraining line, where the 15-yard penalty for B21's dead-ball UNR would be enforced, taking the ball to the B-15, where Team B would put the ball in play for a scrimmage series, 1/10." No. By accepting the KOB penalty, the ball belongs to Team B 30-yards from Team A's restraining line, which was the A-35. That would take the ball to the B-35. Then the dead-ball UNR foul on Team B would take the ball to the B-20 (not the B-15). Sorry about that.

Got it wrong in the short answer, but got it right in the rationale. The Basic Spot is the B-20, and the 10-yard penalty would take the ball to the B-10 (not the B-15). Sorry.

Gotta do better.

Offline ljudge

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-14
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2024, 09:58:14 AM »
We had #1 almost happen in my first FCS game in 2012.  Team scores a TD and they celebrate with a "grenade" celebration.  There was about 8 players involved so we enforced as one UNS.  Then after the celebration we had a player in that group remove his helmet.  As that was happening we had several run off the bench into the end zone to join so counted that as a 3rd UNS.  I was a tad nervous working at this level and my mind was racing of whether we should have had a 4th (as I thought I saw a couple of players who were running on remove their helmets too) but was with a very veteran crew who was that level for a long time and amid all the chaos we agreed on 3 and kicked from the 5.  I knew the rule at the time and suggested we might consider but after discussion we we comfortable with enforcement.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: S-B Quiz 2024-14
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2024, 01:59:16 PM »
We had #1 almost happen in my first FCS game in 2012.  Team scores a TD and they celebrate with a "grenade" celebration.  There was about 8 players involved so we enforced as one UNS.  Then after the celebration we had a player in that group remove his helmet.  As that was happening we had several run off the bench into the end zone to join so counted that as a 3rd UNS.  I was a tad nervous working at this level and my mind was racing of whether we should have had a 4th (as I thought I saw a couple of players who were running on remove their helmets too) but was with a very veteran crew who was that level for a long time and amid all the chaos we agreed on 3 and kicked from the 5.  I knew the rule at the time and suggested we might consider but after discussion we we comfortable with enforcement.
