We had one several years ago that required a little creativity.....
SCENE : Early in 3rd quarter on Mt. Desert Island (Bar Harbor) when two banks of lights at one end of field went out. Home athletic director, both coaches and I met. The AD informed us that the power company estimated the outage would last at least an hour.
(1) End the game now;
(2) wait for outage to be corrected - see if snack-shack has enough lobster rolls for officials

(3) continue the game "half-court" and turn the teams around once they reached the 50 heading toward the dark end.
The coaches both agreed to go with #3. We agreed if B gained possession they could advance into the darkness until the play ended. This went as smoothly as it could and the lights returned with about two minutes left in the game. The game ended before the drive did and we all lived to tell about it. Their snack-shack had both lobster rolls and chowder for the officials. We were treated well...

(5-man crew)