I think I got these. But, Shaw/Blandino sure lean on using actual AR’s for these questions. Adams and Redding authored all new questions. I liked that better, I think. But, this does get us to look in the Ars a lot more than we might, otherwise. That may be the point.
1. 3/10 @ B-40. Early in the 2nd quarter, team A has all 3 timeouts remaining. A12 throws to A88 but the pass is ruled incomplete. The Team A head coach calls timeout to challenge the ruling on the field of an incomplete pass. Replay overturns the ruling on the field to a catch at the B-31. After the ball is ready at the B-31, Team A breaks the huddle late in the play clock, and the Team A head coach attempts to call a timeout just before the play clock displays zero.
A, 4/6, B-36, snap (25).
The crew shall not honor the coach’s request for the second T/O, and, Team A will commit a delay of game foul when the play clock expires.
2. 3/5 @ A-30. A21 gains 3 yards and is tackled inbounds and B55’s helmet comes off during the down. When the ball becomes dead the game clock is stopped and reads 0:45 in the second quarter. Neither team has a time out remaining. Play clock?
A, 3/2, A-33, 0:35 (2), ready (40) (Team A elects 10-second subtraction), OR A, 3/2, A-32, 0:45 (2), snap (40).
The game and play clocks are stopped for the helmet off of B55. After the referee announces that B55 may not participate in the next down because his helmet came off, he will then announce whether or not
Team A elects the 10-seond subtraction. If so, he will ask the GCO to set the game clock to 0:35, and it will start on his signal. If Team A declines the 10-second subtraction, the game clock will start on the
snap. In either case, the play clock is set to 40-seconds, and will start on the referee’s signal.
3. 3/5 @ B-15. A22 runs around left end and is tackled hard by B44 at the B-5. After the ball is dead, A22 gets up and punches B44.
A, 1/10, B-20, ready (25). A22 is ejected.
When a new scrimmage series is awarded to the team in possession when the ball becomes dead, subsequent dead-ball fouls are administered before the new line-to-gain is established; thus, the next down
will be 1/10, after the distance penalty is enforced. A22 is ejected for ‘fighting,’ which must be reported as such to the conference office. No matter what others may say or think, a single player throwing a
punch is fighting. Contrary to what some folks will claim, it does NOT take two to fight. (See AR 10-1-5-III for support.)
4. 4/10 @ 50. A98’s punt is untouched beyond the neutral zone, bounces up at the B-2 and then A88 reaches across Team B’s goal line and bats the ball back into the field of play. B22 recovers at the B-2 and advances to the B-12 where A66 tackles him by pulling his facemask.
RULING: AR 6-3-11-II
B, 1/10, B-27, snap (25).
Because the foul occurred during the runback, the Basic Spot for enforcement of the penalty for that foul is the natural dead-ball spot (B-12). The 15-yard penalty will take the ball to the B-27, 1/10. If Team
B were to decline the penalty, they could accept the illegal touching privilege, but that would put the ball at the B-20, 1/10, which is decidedly less advantageous; they would not elect this option, and is so
obvious that the Referee should simply enforce the FMM penalty, and not consider the illegal touching.
5. 4/7 @ A-35. A98 punts and at the snap Team A has five players in the backfield. The kick is partially blocked, crosses the neutral zone and lands at the A-40. The ball then bounces back behind the neutral zone and rolls out of bounds at the A-32.
B, 1/10, A-27, snap (25).
Since the legally kicked ball was untouched by Team B after officially crossing the neutral zone (by definition, “blocking” of a kick is ignored with regard to touching of a scrimmage kick beyond the NZ), the
ball belongs to Team B at the dead-ball spot. Team B may elect to enforce the ILF five-yard penalty at the dead-ball spot, taking the ball to the A-27, 1/10.
6. 1/10 @ A-20. A11 throws a forward pass intended for A88. During the pass, defensive end B78 is flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. The pass to A88 is complete for a 10-yard gain where A88 is tackled.
RULING: AR 7-3-12-II
A, 1/10, A-45, ready (25). B78 has the UNS foul added to his UNS counter toward ejection, if he commits two UNS fouls during this game.
7. 1/10 @ B-40. B31 intercepts A12’s legal forward pass at the B-5 and returns it to the B-13 where he is tackled. During the return, B63 clips in his end zone.
B, free kick, B-20, free kick timing (25).
B63’s foul occurred during a running play, and penalty enforcement is governed by the 3&1 principle related to the Basic Spot, which is the end of B31’s return. As such, the actual enforcement spot is the spot of the foul, which is in Team B’s end zone, and, therefore, results in a safety – 2 points for Team A, with a free kick by Team B from the B-20 to follow.
8. 1/10 @ B-40. During the first possession series of the first extra period, B31 intercepts A12’s legal forward pass at the B-5 and returns it to the B-13 where he is tackled. During the return, B63 clips in his end zone.
B, 1/10, EP25, no clock (25).
Penalties for fouls with 5-yard penalties, 10-yard penalties, and non-flagrant personal fouls that occur AFTER a change of team possession during an extra period are declined, by rule. There is no score, and
the distance penalty is not enforced at the succeeding spot. Team B simply begins their possession series at the Extra Period 25 yard line.