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Offline TexDoc

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State Meeting
« on: June 27, 2022, 08:16:03 AM »
From the message Bill S. sent out to all TASO members, it looks like they have only 300 registered attendees for the state meeting so far.  That's surely going to increase, but is certainly indicative of the lack of interest in attending an in-person state meeting.  It sure seems like a virtual meeting is a lot less expensive and produces a lot more attendees.  Gas is the highest in history and that's causing everything else to be expensive, but I'm stating the obvious.  It is just one member's opinion, but it seems a virtual and live option is still wanted, and warranted.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2022, 10:04:22 AM »
I will, again, go on record as saying how far superior in-person meetings are compared to virtual. From my experience at the Dallas Rules Clinic last Saturday, I was able to ‘get the message’ across to the folks in attendance far better than via a virtual presentation. I could walk among them and look them in the eye and see that they were either understanding, or, if not, I could stop and find out whatever was the misunderstanding, and get it corrected for that person - and who knows how many others - right on the spot. It was wonderful.

Driving 6 hours was not fun, I’ll admit. The last 90 minutes from downtown Fort Worth to McKinney was nothing short of excruciating. But, it was worth it to be in a room with so many of my brothers and sisters. It was nothing but awesome. And, I got to meet a ‘brother’ whose name I had known for decades, but had never met. Gary Slaughter was a name I had heard when I first got into FBS football (him in the SWC, and me in the WAC). Some SWC brothers in my local area had worked with Gary in the SWC, and we had a wonderful conversation recalling the mutual ‘brothers’ we have. It was like we had known each other for 30 years. That is not something that can be done with virtual meetings.

Yes, there is an expense to this avocation. Traveling and lodging for a state meeting is not cheap. But, the ability to learn from some of our best, plus connect/re-connect with ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ from around the state is not something you can put a price on.

Perhaps TASO should consider offering some additional benefit for those that attend the state meeting, or adjusting the education credit for other rules clinics, etc., to further encourage attendance at the state meeting.

I hope to see you ALL in the Woodlands on 7/23. Look me up, and let’s say hello. I won’t be hard to find.

Robert Cameron
Lubbock, Texas

Offline TxBJ

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2022, 10:52:11 AM »
While I get and respect what you are saying, you were being paid to drive those 6 hours and attend that clinic.  As we try to recruit more and more younger officials, many won't have the funds for a long trip to The Woodlands and the expenses it includes.  I think we have to be mindful of that.  Also, it was great that you met a brother from your FBS days at long last, but that is not something that would apply to most newer officials.  Many don't know, nor have a great desire to know, people outside their chapter.  While us old guys can wish it wasn't that way, we have to be realistic about the nuances of the various generations in our avocation and not keep trying to make everything like we did it in the past.

Offline Covid 22

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2022, 10:54:45 AM »
I am sure that good things abound at the State meeting.  I would hazard to guess that if the average age of a football official in Texas is late forties, then the average age of officials at the state meeting is closer to 60 than 50.   This will probably be especially true this year.   

I say, save the money and use it for training new/younger officials or for recruiting new younger officials. 

Idea: Buy all new officials under 25 their first shorts, hat and shirt to be given to them after they complete some phase of training (say two weeks before scrimmages).   It is nice to talk with the old timers and reminisce about past great officials but it does nothing to get feet on the ground Friday night.   

This is just my $1.00 worth (adjusted for inflation).

Kudos to TxBJ for typing faster than me on a similar thought.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2022, 10:57:30 AM by Covid 22 »

Offline TexasProud

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2022, 11:06:53 AM »
Long time listener, first time caller here. I'm going to add a different perspective on this subject and realize it may not be a popular response.  I’ve been around quite some time now and have had the opportunity to observe, firsthand, how things operate.  I feel like I’ve pretty much seen it all, especially off the field.  I agree with Robert's statement that in-person learning is much better and it's also great to catch up with friends and colleagues.  However, the social aspect is no longer worth it at the financial cost to attend for those who are not fortunate enough to be local.  From an educational perspective I've always been a supporter that officials must spend more time off the field (rather than on the field) to make themselves the best officials they can be.  They must study rules and mechanics, watch film to accept their mistakes and allow themselves to be mentored to be a better official.  But now here's my rub...I'm tired of busting my own (you know what) to be that better official only to see very little or no reward at the end of the season but rather see individuals get the rewards who do none of what I described.  Yes, I get my own reward at the end of every game in knowing I hopefully did a great job and service to the placer but that reward only goes so far.  I don't fully blame those who continue to get rewarded for doing nothing but rather place more blame on the organizations we report to.  Starting with the UIL and filtered down to the chapters.  I've seen it stated on numerous occasions the concern of allowing coaches to have a say in who officiates their games, including the state championships, the control given to the coaches to basically manipulate the game by having said control.  Because of this control given to the coaches the UIL then refuses to step in to help "reward" officials by working towards a system that allows all chapters to be a part of state championship games.  For TASO, I'm a huge supporter for what TASO does but as long as TASO continues to selectively avoid punishing officials and/or chapters for direct violations of created policies I simply elect to just do my part locally and will do so to the best of my ability while I continue to learn and be a better official on my own.  For the chapters they too have the same responsibility as mentioned on behalf of TASO. Chapters have their own policies but also selectively decide when to enforce something and when not to enforce something while in doing so continue to "reward" their own local officials for doing nothing to help them as a chapter.   Yes, I have examples of all my accusations listed but that's for another time and place. 

In summary, I'm obviously to the end of my support of the same old same old so in doing so I'm simply electing to not attend the state meeting and will be happy to watch the online clinic and actually save a couple of hundred dollars in doing so.  You want me back, in person, at the state meeting?  Fix the things I described, and I'll be more than happy to return to the annual state meeting.  But please do not mistake my disconcert for not loving the game of football and having the opportunity to officiate this game.  I’m going to continue to officiate as long as my body will allow and will always work hard to be the best I can be.  My comments are simply centered around attending the state meeting.   

Offline JasonTX

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2022, 11:53:41 AM »
For TASO, I'm a huge supporter for what TASO does but as long as TASO continues to selectively avoid punishing officials and/or chapters for direct violations of created policies I simply elect to just do my part locally and will do so to the best of my ability while I continue to learn and be a better official on my own.

First, thank you for your service as an official.  I just wanted to comment on this part of your post.  When a member, not a chapter board member, violates a TASO policy a complaint should be made with the chapter board.  The chapter board is in charge of enforcing and investigating violations made by their chapter members.  When a board member violates a TASO policy, then that complaint goes directly to TASO football for investigating.  For example, if a regular chapter member is found to be soliciting by a fellow official, that chapter's board should begin an investigation according to their bylaws.  The chapter board or chapter committee decides on punishment if found guilty.  That person then can appeal the decision to the TASO football board.  So, if there is some shady activity going on by regular chapter members then that needs to be reported to and investigated by the chapter.  If it's by a board member, then it needs to be reported to TASO. 

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2022, 04:10:06 PM »
Truly sad.
Unlike the regional rules clinics, I don’t get paid a fee to serve at the state meeting, but, yes, I do get travel reimbursement and free lodging, in exchange for my service. But I attended state meetings for a couple of decades before I became an instructor, all at my cost. Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Bryan-College Station, Wichita Falls, Dallas, Fort Worth. My wife would join me, and we would make a pseudo-vacation out of it, because my local officiating friends would also bring their wives. The wives would hang out, go shopping, etc., while we were in meetings, and enjoy going out to dinner on Friday night, then the banquet on Saturday night. Frequently, we would arrive in time to participate in the golf tournament on Friday morning. And we got to know all kinds of folks from around the state. Plus, we would get top-notch instruction from the best we had, and, usually, a really good feature speaker at the banquet, like Jim Tunney, Tommy Bell, and many others.

Sad, that we have let the State Meeting dwindle to a one-day thing, with far less opportunity for collegial interaction. And now we have folks content to watch the presentations on their phones or tablets - or, more likely, just have the presentations on while they play video games or something, just to get the education credit. I’m sure there are some folks that have situations that simply, and legitimately, don’t permit them to get away, even for just one day, and they truly pay attention. But, I have no doubt in my mind that those folks represent a very small percentage of our membership.

Sad, but I suppose it is a generational thing. Gen Y and millenials just aren’t willing to make the commitment or put forth the effort required to attain ‘better’ assignments, or advance to NCAA football (and beyond).

Sad, yes, that the UIL assignment policy is the single most prohibitive element that keeps TASO officiating from being as good as it could get. But even sadder is that so many folks use the UIL assignment policy as their scapegoat for their disinterest in ‘getting better.’ “Why should I go to the State Meeting? I’m still just gonna get 2A and 3A games, while Johnny Ref will get a full schedule of 6A games. We both started the same year, but he knows Coach Sixay Skoul from college, and he gets all of those games. He doesn’t attend meetings or study rules, and lets coaches do whatever they want.” I’m sorry, but that attitude is nothing but selfish and cowardly. Do justice to the game, and be the best official you can be, and do what it takes to get there.

On a brighter note, I would love nothing more than to meet all of you in the Woodlands, and expand my already huge circle of friends. Like I said, I won’t be hard to find. I’ll be the old guy with white hair. (That should narrow it down.  ;))

« Last Edit: June 27, 2022, 05:32:34 PM by ElvisLives »

Offline TexDoc

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2022, 04:40:43 PM »
I'm 60 now and have been doing this since about 1987.  I've learned from clinics, back in the Dotson days, and enjoyed many state meetings.  Jason can tell you we've had a lot of fun at state meetings before and some great fellowship.  That being said, all things change.  A state meeting in-person may be a thing of the past.  We shall see over the next few years.  Personally, my learning is best accommodated just doing it by myself.  There's nothing I've ever learned at a state meeting I could not have learned at a local clinic, or now days on-line. 
Things always change, and I for one believe these state meetings are just a holdover from the past that needs to find an alternative.  Also, there hasn't been one in central Texas since probably 2004 or 2005 since we had one in Austin.  That might be because it's hard to find a place, but why are they always in Dallas or Houston now?  I'm sure there's a reasonable answer. 

I greatly respect your opinions, Robert, always have.  But I'm sure you're wrong to assume all people learn better in-person.  That's just not true.  I sure don't.  Crappy sound systems.  Guys behind you yacking.  10 other distractions.  Nope.  Rather be on-line in a quiet room focusing on the sessions.

Lastly, if we need to create incentives for members to go to the in-person clinic, does that tell us something?  Sure it does.  We've done that many times in the past because without attendees the state meeting can be a huge money pit.  Handing out many points doesn't really help an official does it?  Snaps is what makes an official better. 

Change is inevitable, normal and necessary.  It's time for this meeting to see a major change.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2022, 01:18:56 PM by TexDoc »

Offline TexasProud

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2022, 06:24:00 PM »
I too respect what Robert is saying.  But I agree more with what TexDoc stated.  Given the way the state meeting is facilitated I simply learn more on my own or in our local chapter setting than I do at the state meeting.  Robert, I was right there with you when the state meetings were a weekend event.  It was a weekend to look forward to every year.  But that has changed.  My primary point in my message was it's time for some big change (as TexDoc alluded) at the administrative level.  But we all know that's not going to happen so yet here we are. 

From a game perspective I get more than my fair share of "bigger" games.  To some that may be 6A, to others that may be the 2A game of the week when it's two top ranked teams.  I also get my fair share of playoff games each season but never take for granted I will get a playoff game.  I'm just fortunate to do so.  But as I stated, I may not go to the state meeting but I'm also not that guy who doesn't attend meetings, doesn't watch film, doesn't work scrimmages and especially does not consult with others that I know can offer feedback.  We know it's frustrating to deal with those who do not have to work for their games and that too needs to change.  Do I do not think it will. 

Offline Etref

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2022, 10:45:12 AM »
I too respect what Robert is saying.  But I agree more with what TexDoc stated.  Given the way the state meeting is facilitated I simply learn more on my own or in our local chapter setting than I do at the state meeting.  Robert, I was right there with you when the state meetings were a weekend event.  It was a weekend to look forward to every year.  But that has changed.  My primary point in my message was it's time for some big change (as TexDoc alluded) at the administrative level.  But we all know that's not going to happen so yet here we are. 

From a game perspective I get more than my fair share of "bigger" games.  To some that may be 6A, to others that may be the 2A game of the week when it's two top ranked teams.  I also get my fair share of playoff games each season but never take for granted I will get a playoff game.  I'm just fortunate to do so.  But as I stated, I may not go to the state meeting but I'm also not that guy who doesn't attend meetings, doesn't watch film, doesn't work scrimmages and especially does not consult with others that I know can offer feedback.  We know it's frustrating to deal with those who do not have to work for their games and that too needs to change.  Do I do not think it will. 


" I don't make the rules coach!"

Offline JDM

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2022, 12:47:26 PM »
but why are they always in Dallas or Houston now?  I'm sure there's a reasonable answer.

With all due respect, Doc, The Woodlands might be considered 1/2 way between Dallas and Houston according to some.   8]

From a strictly selfish standpoint, I'm okay w/The Woodlands but I am dreading the 20 min. drive south...

Offline TexDoc

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2022, 02:11:05 PM »
With all due respect, Doc, The Woodlands might be considered 1/2 way between Dallas and Houston according to some.   8]

From a strictly selfish standpoint, I'm okay w/The Woodlands but I am dreading the 20 min. drive south...

You're killin' me.

Offline dammitbobby

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2022, 02:23:58 PM »
I've never attended a state meeting, but I have attended many, many conferences and trainings in my professional life, as both attendee and speaker.  For me personally, I prefer in-person.  I've worked from home the last 5, almost 6 years, and I have have learned that remote training is a challenge for my attention span.  Obviously, different people learn in different ways.  And I do believe there is value in the fellowship aspect of conferences and trainings.  It sounds like, state meeting used to be a 2-3 day event... and then (guessing here) people complained about the cost of multiple nights of hotel rooms, and was pretty much knocked down to one day... which leads to others thinking that for the cost involved, there's not enough value to justify attending a 1-day meeting.  (Not criticizing either perspective, just an observation.)  It's hard to balance the two. 

I didn't see any communication about attendee numbers, but I do know less than 5 minutes after the email went out for the room block, it was completely full.  Either it was a super small block, or a lot more people reserved rooms that they expected.  No idea which, but I had to call and was finally able to get a room reserved.

As far as assignments, it's not going to affect me either way - from what I have seen in our chapter, I'm not going to get better quality assignments regardless of the training I attend, the snaps I get, or any other factor - there's a set group of guys who consistently get the 'big games' and everyone else works blowouts or 6-man.  (Not dragging 6-man at all, I love it.)  It's not a secret here or in my chapter that I want to move up to NCAA, so I have to work doubly extra hard especially to refine mechanics and keys, that I don't get quality snaps in... In fact, it's entirely likely I'll work 7-8 man NCAA ball (JUCO/D3) before I'll work a 7-man crew in high school.   It's tough. It's a PITA.    And sometimes makes me want to quit... but I don't.  I have dumb goals sometimes, but I stick to them. 

Tied to that is the fact that TASO implicitly endorses coaches picking crews, instead of having assigned rotations, and is quite happy with a handful of chapters working almost all of the championship games.  They've stepped in to tell a coach, 'Hey, we made a rule that a crew/official can only work one championship game a season, so you need to pick again.'  But TASO can't figure out how to tell them 1) Hey, your selection worked a championship game in the last 3/5 years, you need to pick again, or 2) say that TASO has designated X chapter for the 3A (whatever division) championship, pick your crew from that chapter.' 

The reality is, the lack of opportunities for chapters to work championship games absolutely has caused some to walk away from officiating.  There's no denying that. How many chapters have gone decades without a championship game?  I'd love to see a statistical breakdown over the last 5-10-20 years of which chapters had championship games, and how many.) Sure, it's not the ONLY reason that people work hard in this avocation, but if you knew you had a glass ceiling, that could not be broken, ever, because TPTB like the system the way it is, because it benefits them, why keep working hard?  For really driven people, that really can be a a dealbreaker.  And it's easy to say, well, if that's the reason they left, then they really didn't want to be in this avocation.'  And that is such an intellectually lazy argument.  Why on earth would someone work for years and years knowing they will be denied the biggest challenge, the biggest stage of their career?  Sure some people will do keep on regardless.  But if you think parents and mouthy coaches are the only reason officials leave, you're only kidding yourself.  Assignment equality (IMO) is easily the 3rd biggest reason, and sadly the one that TASO has the power to improve.  Yet here we are... same thing, year after year.

Anyhoo.  Off my soapbox.

Offline JasonTX

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2022, 03:36:12 PM »
How many chapters have gone decades without a championship game?  I'd love to see a statistical breakdown over the last 5-10-20 years of which chapters had championship games, and how many.)

Texdoc has this information in his annual playoff spreadsheet.  My first ever playoff game came the same weekend as my first ever college game.  I feel your pain brother.  10 years.  But that's not a complaint.  I felt good about waiting 10 years for a high school playoff game and it made it feel like a much bigger award.  Nowadays people are getting playoff games in their 2nd and 3rd years. 

Offline TexDoc

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2022, 09:01:59 AM »
"I'd love to see a statistical breakdown over the last 5-10-20 years of which chapters had championship games, and how many."

I have the data going back to 2003. 

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2022, 10:37:36 AM »
DammitBobby, and everybody,
Don’t get too hung up on the number of Championship games each chapter has worked, with respect to the quality of any particular chapter. I will go on record as saying that ALL chapters have folks fully capable of working any assignment the UIL has to offer. Unfortunately, geography gets in the way.
Some folks will deny that what I say is true, but the statistics will bear this out. The DFW/San Antonio/Houston triangle almost always yields the upper classification teams (4A, 5A, 6A) in the Championship games. That only stands to reason. Those are the areas with the greatest population concentrations. Schools with larger enrollments have more students to draw from for their athletic teams, so they tend to have players that are bigger, stronger, faster, and more athletic than schools with smaller enrollments. As a natural result, the large schools in the ‘triangle’ are virtually always going to be superior to schools in other areas, even those within their classification. So, as they progress in the playoffs, they also tend to play teams within the triangle. So, if a team from Dallas plays a team from Houston, and they play in Austin, they may not use officials from Dallas or Houston, but they’ll talk to their coaching buds in Austin and get a recommendation for a crew in Austin. I mean, why pay mileage for a crew from El Paso, Abilene, Odessa, Amarillo, etc., when they’ve got guys right there in Austin. Hard to blame them, on that basis. And that works all the way through the Championship games. Say a Houston team plays an Austin team, at Jerry World. Plenty of Dallas and Fort Worth guys right there.
In playoffs games that are played well outside the triangle, yeah, ELP, LBB, AMA, MAF, HRL, etc. stand a much greater chance of getting involved. TASO and the UIL do, in fact, attempt to involve chapters outside the triangle, for championship games, when possible. I know some chapters get notified ahead of time if they are in position to work certain games. Granted, those tend to be  six-player and AA games. Pretty rare for a crew from outside the triangle to get anything above 3A. And that has nothing to do with ability. Just geography.
And it won’t change until…well, you know.

Offline TexasProud

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2022, 10:42:41 AM »
It sounds like, state meeting used to be a 2-3 day event... and then (guessing here) people complained about the cost of multiple nights of hotel rooms, and was pretty much knocked down to one day... which leads to others thinking that for the cost involved, there's not enough value to justify attending a 1-day meeting.  (Not criticizing either perspective, just an observation.)  It's hard to balance the two. 

Good take Bobby.  You're spot on now with much of your comments and especially those around the group of guys who work all the games.  It's very hard to get into that mix no matter how good of an official you are.  Too many times I've heard people say "get better and you'll get those games".  That's completely BS when it comes to high school assigning in Texas.  Doesn't matter how good, or bad, you become as an official if you're in that click of guys you'll get the games.  It's just a circle that's hard to penetrate. 

To provide clarification on your state meeting comment (quoted), the complaint was not cost related when it was a 2-3 day event.  When the meetings are beneficial and the events are fun people will pay the additional expense because it becomes a mini-vacation/weekend.  I believe TASO reduced it down to 1 day because it became very difficult for the representing chapter to put forth time and effort to accommodate three days worth of events.  You may not know but the state meeting used to be held at various locations/chapters based on proposal bids put in by a chapter.  There's been meetings in Abilene, Austin, San Antonio, McAllen, Fort Worth, etc.  Meetings at some of these smaller cities used to be some of the more productive meetings.  But it was also a challenge to get committed resources for a successful 3 day event.   

Offline TexasProud

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2022, 10:54:33 AM »
So, if a team from Dallas plays a team from Houston, and they play in Austin, they may not use officials from Dallas or Houston, but they’ll talk to their coaching buds in Austin and get a recommendation for a crew in Austin. I mean, why pay mileage for a crew from El Paso, Abilene, Odessa, Amarillo, etc., when they’ve got guys right there in Austin. Hard to blame them, on that basis. And that works all the way through the Championship games. Say a Houston team plays an Austin team, at Jerry World. Plenty of Dallas and Fort Worth guys right there.

Robert, I do not disagree with the majority of what you're saying in your message.  I agree whole heartedly every chapter has qualified officials to work any UIL game, including the 5A/6A championship games which are college caliber games.   But heck, I've watched some of those championship games only to be amazed as to how a crew/official got selected and in that game.  But as you've stated, we know why....

What I do disagree with you on is the comments about mileage.  I can promise you most, if not all, schools and the UIL do not give a rats behind about paying mileage and travel fees.  Their budget to pay a crew of officials to travel as far as 500 miles is a minuscule dot compared to their expense to have the team, cheerleaders, band, etc. travel to the game site.  I've witnessed too many times where the selected chapter/crew to work a playoff game was brought in from unreasonable locations compared to where the game was being played to have any understanding that paying mileage and travel fees factors in.  I simply don't buy it when it comes to those considerations and discussions.  It all goes back to coaches picking based on what they feel is in their best interest to get an advantage in winning that game.  They want the game officiated fairly as long as the calls being made/not made only go in their favor. 

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2022, 12:37:48 PM »
It all goes back to coaches picking based on what they feel is in their best interest to get an advantage in winning that game.  They want the game officiated fairly as long as the calls being made/not made only go in their favor.

And there is that.  :(

Offline JasonTX

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2022, 02:45:18 PM »
We've had two neutral teams play in our own back yard and they chose not to use our chapter.  In fact, they often bypass the three nearest chapters and choose one that is furthest away.  We've done the same thing.  Drove a long distance to a game and I have no clue why they didn't choose the local chapter or one of the few that we drove through getting to the game.  Of course, this would all end if every chapter would reject any playoff game that is being hosted inside of another chapter's territory.  You don't invade our space and we won't invade yours, when both would be a neutral chapter.  The exception would be championship games.  DFW can't get all of them.

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2022, 02:56:01 PM »
We've had two neutral teams play in our own back yard and they chose not to use our chapter.  In fact, they often bypass the three nearest chapters and choose one that is furthest away.  We've done the same thing.  Drove a long distance to a game and I have no clue why they didn't choose the local chapter or one of the few that we drove through getting to the game.  Of course, this would all end if every chapter would reject any playoff game that is being hosted inside of another chapter's territory.  You don't invade our space and we won't invade yours, when both would be a neutral chapter.  The exception would be championship games.  DFW can't get all of them.

Hah, hah, hah. I know some who…(uh, the name for ladies that get paid for sex) that would ‘invade’ their mother’s bedroom for a playoff game, and think a bat is a flying rat. And so it goes.

Offline JasonTX

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2022, 04:20:55 PM »
Hah, hah, hah. I know some who…(uh, the name for ladies that get paid for sex) that would ‘invade’ their mother’s bedroom for a playoff game, and think a bat is a flying rat. And so it goes.
^good   LOL

Offline TexDoc

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2022, 04:28:28 PM »
Good take Bobby.  You're spot on now with much of your comments and especially those around the group of guys who work all the games.  It's very hard to get into that mix no matter how good of an official you are.  Too many times I've heard people say "get better and you'll get those games".  That's completely BS when it comes to high school assigning in Texas.  Doesn't matter how good, or bad, you become as an official if you're in that click of guys you'll get the games.  It's just a circle that's hard to penetrate. 

To provide clarification on your state meeting comment (quoted), the complaint was not cost related when it was a 2-3 day event.  When the meetings are beneficial and the events are fun people will pay the additional expense because it becomes a mini-vacation/weekend.  I believe TASO reduced it down to 1 day because it became very difficult for the representing chapter to put forth time and effort to accommodate three days worth of events.  You may not know but the state meeting used to be held at various locations/chapters based on proposal bids put in by a chapter.  There's been meetings in Abilene, Austin, San Antonio, McAllen, Fort Worth, etc.  Meetings at some of these smaller cities used to be some of the more productive meetings.  But it was also a challenge to get committed resources for a successful 3 day event.

Houston gets a large portion of the bigger school championship games, but so does Tyler.  SA and Dallas really do not.  FW gets quite a few as well.  Why does Tyler do well?  Who knows.  Better marketing to the coaches maybe.  It makes no sense.  And, per capita, Tyler gets way more games than any other chapter.  If someone can give some insight to that, I'd like to hear it. 

Offline TexasProud

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2022, 07:59:27 AM »
Houston gets a large portion of the bigger school championship games, but so does Tyler.  SA and Dallas really do not.  FW gets quite a few as well.  Why does Tyler do well?  Who knows.  Better marketing to the coaches maybe.  It makes no sense.  And, per capita, Tyler gets way more games than any other chapter.  If someone can give some insight to that, I'd like to hear it.

Tyler is geographically in a good location when it comes to Dallas/FTW schools playing each other or Houston.  But so is Abilene, North Texas and Waco.  So I agree it doesn't make sense.   However, if you've been around long enough you know why TASO implemented the rule that an official can only officiate one state championship game a year.  That reasoning goes back to Tyler.  Follow the smoke and you'll find the fire.  And that fire is burning in more than one location....

Offline ElvisLives

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Re: State Meeting
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2022, 08:27:01 AM »
And the fuel for that fire is provided by.... (yeah, you know what/who). C'mon, man. We need an executive order that will disconnect that fuel pipeline.