Author Topic: If our politicians wanted to to do something good...  (Read 956 times)

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Online ElvisLives

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If our politicians wanted to to do something good...
« on: January 06, 2022, 11:25:50 AM »
If our political leadership wanted to do something good for the country as a whole, instead of paying people to do nothing, let's take that money and invest in construction projects to build hundreds - thousands - of indoor stadia, so that all sports can be played without the effect of extreme or disruptive weather. That may sound frivolous to some, but think about the jobs such investment could create. In most places, a single multi-purpose facility could serve football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, track/field, baseball, softball - at least some combination of those - under one roof, allowing all events to be conducted on schedule, but more importantly, in environments that allow the athletes to perform at their highest levels.
Now that's infrastructure.
Such projects would infuse billions/trillions of dollars into local communities for the design, engineering, and construction of such facilities. And constructing all of these facilities would take at least half of a generation. All those folks that are wanting work would have plenty of opportunity. No handouts. Truly hands UP. And look what we would have. Athletes and spectators enjoying activities that are universally accepted as being essential to the health and happiness of any culture and society, ALL YEAR ROUND, without being subjected to bone-numbing cold, skin searing heat, or soaking rain.
I don't have a game to work today (or until August), but it is bloody stinkin' cold outside, and it would be total misery if I had to work something outdoors today.

I'd much rather see my tax dollars spent on that kind of real infrastructure than just giving it away for programs that have no real return on the investment.

Robert Cameron
Lubbock, Texas

Think about it. We might be able to retire our long-sleeve shirts, and our "mudder" pants. 

Offline AlUpstateNY

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Re: If our politicians wanted to to do something good...
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2022, 11:44:53 AM »
Long sleeve shirts aside, not a bad idea.  But, that's not going to fix the main problem.  When we are fortunate enough to actually pick our leaders (Federal, State & Local) and don't bother putting the needed effort into picking the best available, WE have nobody to blame for poor results, but OURSELVES.

Glitzy commercials and Media dipsticks telling us not to bother about "what goes on behind that Green Curtain" has never really worked that well, but so many choose to buy into the pictures they peddle.

Offline HLinNC

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Re: If our politicians wanted to to do something good...
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2022, 10:18:41 AM »
Which if built right now, given the current Covid phobia, would sit empty or sparsely attended in a lot of places.  There are plenty of projects for a true infrastructure bill but the politicians gummed it up with trash, as usual.

Both of our county high schools are playing in stadia whose visitor stands were built as a part of WPA projects in the late 30's - early 40's.  It is a testament to the work of that era that they are still being used while professional facilities that are 30 years old are already replaced.

My son played football and ran track.  The high school has a track for which his team can/could practice but there are/were no facilities to actually host a meet so he spent his entire HS career on the road.  The other high school in the county is in the same condition.  Other than grouchy track parents, there has never been any impetus to help our HS T&F programs beyond resurfacing the existing one 10+ years ago. 

I'd settle for that before a "dome"

Offline AlUpstateNY

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Re: If our politicians wanted to to do something good...
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2022, 10:53:43 AM »
I guess it shouldn't be surprising, but things we used to roll our eyes about and say ("Oh, dad", "really grandpa", or "that was then, this is now") are the same things we have to listen to today.  I guess the song was right, "The beat goes on", just didn't realize it would be the same beat, although the lyrics and delivery might be a little more intense.