On another forum with a different set of rules, there is a good discussion regarding a "hideout" play. For NCAA, these are LIVE-BALL fouls. The use of any tactic that in any way uses the substitution process - real or simulated, with or without an actual substitution - to confuse their opponent is an Unfair Act under 9-2-2-b. The short wings or deep wings need to pick this up, and toss a flag high in the air at the snap, so everybody knows there is an issue before the play ever develops. This is a "team" UNS, so nobody gets hung with one on their UNS 'counter.' But, these are never incidental or accidental. These things are coached, and ought to grounds for dismissal of the HC, even if the OC is the one that coaches this, without the HC's knowledge. The HC must be responsible for his staff, and hanging this on him would stop this stuff.
But, for now, live-ball UNS on the team.
Just wanted to make sure we know this is a live-ball foul in NCAA.